Malayalam Boy Names That Start With M

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Malayalam Boy Names That Start With M

Read on for our guide to unique names for malayalam baby boy starting with the letter "M" and their fascinating meanings!

Name Meaning Gender
Maadesh (മാദേശ) Lord Shiva Boy
Maadhav (മാധവ) Another name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like honey Boy
Maahir (മാഹിര) Expert, Brave Boy
Maaksharth (മാക്ഷാര്ഥ) It means, Precious part of a Mother',s heart Boy
Maalav (മാലവ) A musical raag, Ansh of Goddess Lakshmi, Horse keeper Boy
Maalin (മാലീന) One who makes garlands, Wearing a garland, Crowned, Gardener Boy
Maalolan (മാലോലന) Name of deity in ahobilam Boy
Maan (മാന) Lecturer, Respect, Supernatural power, Lord of mind, Opinion, Devotion, Home, Pride, Respect Boy
Maanas (മാനസ) Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Insight, Cheerfulness Boy
Maanav (മാനവ) Man, Youth, Relating to Manu, Humankind, Human being, Pearl, Treasure human being Boy
Maandav (മാംഡവ) An able administrator, Fit, Competent Boy
Maandavik (മാന്ദാവിക) Belonging to people, Administrator Boy
Maandhan (മാനധന) Rich in honour, Honourable Boy
Maandhar (മാന്ധാര) Honourable Boy
Maanik (മാനിക) Ruby, Valued, Honoured, Gem Boy
Maanikya (മാനിക്യ) Ruby Boy
Maansik (മാനസിക) Intellectual, Fanciful, Psychic Boy
Maanvir (മാനവീര) Brave heart Boy
Maanyasri (മാന്യസരീ) Boy
Maargin (മാര്ഗീന) Guide, Pioneer Boy
Maargit (മാര്ഗീത) Pearl, Desired, Needed Boy
Maarish (മാരീശ) Calf star of the sea, Worthy, Respectable Boy
Maarmik (മാര്മിക) Intelligent, Influential, Insightful, Perceptive Boy
Maarshak (മാര്ശക) Respectable, Worthy Boy
Maarut (മാരുത) Air, God of the wind, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Brilliant, Breeze, The storm God, Belonging to the wind Boy
Maathar (മാതര) Traveller, Voyager Boy
Maathur (മാഥുര) From or relating to Mathura Boy
Maayan (മായന) Water source, Indifferent to wealth Boy
Maayin (മായീന) Creator of the universe, Creater of the Maya, Illusionary, Wily, Magician, Enchanting, Another name for Brahma, Shiva enchanting Boy
Maccha (മച്ചാ) Killer Boy
Madan (മദന) Cupid, God of Love, Man filled with beauty, Intoxicating, Pleasing, Another name for the Love God Kaama, Spring, Passion Boy
Madan Gopal (മദനഗോപാല) Lord Krishna, Gopal, The Lord of Love Boy
Madanapal (മദനപാല) Lord of Love Boy
Madangopal (മദനഗോപാല) Lovely cowherd, Lord Krishna Boy
Madanmohan (മദനമോഹന) Attractive and lovable Boy
Maderu (മദേരൂ) Worthy of praise Boy
Madesh (മദേശ) Lord Shiva, Lord of intoxication, Name of Shiva Boy
Madeshwaran (മദേശ്വരന) Lord Shiva Boy
Madev (മാദേവ) Lord Shiva, Most powerful god Boy
Madhan (മാധന) Cupid, God of Love, Man filled with beauty, Intoxicating, Pleasing, Another name for the Love God Kaama, Spring, Passion Boy
Madhanraj (മാധനരാജ) Beauty Boy
Madhav (മാധവ) Another name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like honey Boy
Madhava (മാധവ) Another name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like honey Boy
Madhavan (മാധവന) Lord Shiva Boy
Madhavdas (മാധവ ദാസ) Servant of Lord Krishna Boy
Madhesh (മധേശ) Lord Shiva, Lord of intoxication, Name of Shiva Boy
Madhu Smitha (മധു സ്മിതാ) Sweet face Boy
Madhuban (മധുബന) Lord Vishnu, Flower garden Boy
Madhudeep (മധുദീപ) God of Love Boy
Madhughne (മധുഘ്നീ) Killer of demon Madhu Boy
Madhughosh (മധുഘോഷ) Sweet sounding Boy
Madhuj (മാധുജ) Made of honey, Sweet, Sugar Boy
Madhuk (മധുക) A honeybee, Melodious, A bird, Honey coloured, Sweet Boy
Madhukant (മധുകാംത) The Moon Boy
Madhukanta (മധുകാംത) The Moon Boy
Madhukar (മധുകര) Honeybee, Lover, The mango tree Boy
Madhukesh (മധുകേഷ) Hair of Lord Vishnu Boy
Madhukiran (മധുകിരണ) Sweet ray as from God Boy
Madhulan (മധുലന) Boy
Madhumay (മധുമയ) Consisting of Honey Boy
Madhup (മധുപ) A honeybee Boy
Madhupal (മധുപാല) Honey keeper Boy
Madhuram (മധുരമ) Sweet Boy
Madhusoodan (മധുസൂദന) Lord Krishna, One who killed demon Madhu Boy
Madhusudan (മധുസൂദന, മധുസുധന) Lord Krishna, One who killed demon Madhu Boy
Madhusudhan (മധുസൂദന, മധുസുധന) Lord Krishna, One who killed demon Madhu Boy
Madhuveman (മാധുവേമന) Lord Krishna, One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying his sweet and attractive nature Boy
Madhyam (മാധ്യമ) Channel, Medium, Intermediary Boy
Madin (മദീന) Delightful Boy
Madir (മദിര) Nectar, Wine, Intoxicating Boy
Madul (മാദുല) Greatness Boy
Madur (മദുര) Sweet, Melodious, Amiable Boy
Madursan (മാദുരസന) Pease maker Boy
Madvan (മദ്വാന) Intoxicating, Delightful, Drunk with joy Boy
Magadh (മഗധ) Son of Yadu Boy
Magadha (മഗധ) Son of yadu Boy
Magan (മഗന) Engrossed, Absorbed, Immersed Boy
Magath (മഗത) Great Boy
Magesh (മാംഗേശ) Usha Boy
Magh (മാഘ) Name of a Hindu month Boy
Maha Dhyuta (മഹാ ദ്യൂതാ) Most radiant Boy
Maha Ganapati (മഹാ ഗണപതി) Omnipotent and supreme Lord Boy
Mahabahu (മഹാബാഹൂ) One of the Kauravas, Arjuna Boy
Mahabala (മഹാബാലാ) Having immense strength, Great strength, Enormously strong Lord Boy
Mahabali (മഹാബലീ) One with great strength Boy
Mahabhuja (മഹാഭുജാ) Giant armed, Broad chested Lord Boy
Mahabuddhi (മഹാബുദ്ധി) Extremely intelligent Boy
Mahadev (മഹാദേവ) Another name of Lord Shiva, Greatest God Boy
Mahadeva (മഹാദേവാ) Another name of Lord Shiva, Greatest God Boy
Mahadevadi Pujita (മഹാദേവാദീ പൂജിതാ) Worshipped by Lord Shiva and other divine Lords Boy
Mahadhyuta (മഹാദ്യുതാ) Most radiant Boy
Mahaduth (മഹാദുത) Most radiant (Lord Hanuman) Boy
Mahaganapati (മഹാഗണപതി) Omnipotent and supreme Lord Boy
Mahaj (മഹാജ) The place of war, A noble descent, From a noble family Boy
Mahajan (മഹാജന) Great Man Boy
Mahajeet (മഹാജിത) Friendship Boy
Mahak (മഹക) Fragrance, Scent, Eminent, A great person, A tortoise, Another name for Vishnu Boy
Mahakal (മഹാകാല) Lord of Lord Shiva Boy
Mahakala (മഹാകാല) Lord of all times Boy
Mahakaleshwar (മഹാകാലേശ്വര) Lord Shiva, The meaning of Kaal in Hinduism is time, and the Maha or greatness of Lord Shiva is thought to be greater than time itself Boy
Mahakaya (മഹാകായാ) Gigantic, Lord Hanuman Boy
Mahakethu (മഹാകേതു) Lord Shiva, Maha - great, Powerful, Supreme, Ketu - the node, Form, Banner, Leader, Brightness, A ray of light, Ensign, Any eminent person, Intellect, Knowledge Boy
Mahaketu (മഹാകേതു) Lord Shiva, Maha - great, Powerful, Supreme, Ketu - the node, Form, Banner, Leader, Brightness, A ray of light, Ensign, Any eminent person, Intellect, Knowledge Boy
Mahakram (മഹാക്രമ) Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access to the elevation of his devotees Boy
Mahaling (മഹാലീംഗ) Lord Shiva name Boy
Mahalingam (മഹാലിംഗമ) Shivalingam Boy
Mahamani (മഹാമണി) Lord Shiva, A precious gem, Epithet of Shiva Boy
Mahamati (മഹാമതി) One with a big brain (Lord Ganesh) Boy
Mahamrityunjaya (മഹാമൃത്യുംജയ) The great victor of death Boy
Mahan (മഹാന) Great one, Powerful, Eminent Boy
Mahanand (മഹാനംദ) Joy Boy
Mahanidhi (മഹാനിധി) Great storehouse Boy
Mahaniya (മഹാനിയാ) Worthy of honor Boy
Mahant (മഹംത) Great Boy
Mahantesh (മഹാംതേശ) Great soul Boy
Mahanth (മഹംത) Great Boy
Mahanthesha (മഹാംതേശ) The Moon Boy
Mahapurush (മഹാപുരുഷ) Great being, Lord Rama Boy
Mahapurusha (മഹാപുരുഷ) Great being Boy
Maharanth (മഹാരംഥ) Pollen inside a flower Boy
Maharath (മഹാരഥ) A great charioteer Boy
Maharavanamardana (മഹാരവാനാമര്ദാനാ) Slayer of the famous Ravana Boy
Maharsh (മഹര്ഷ) Great saint Boy
Maharshi (മഹര്ഷി) A great saint Boy
Maharth (മഹാരഥ) Very truthful Boy
Maharudra (മഹാരുദ്ര) It means the biggest (Maha) Rudra Shiva, Name of Lord Shiva Boy
Maharvin (മഹാരവിന) Glorious Boy
Mahash (മഹേശ) One who does not smile, Serious, Unsmiling Boy
Mahashaktimaya (മഹാശക്തിമയ) One who has boundless energies Boy
Mahashan (മഹാശന) All-devouring Boy
Mahasvin (മഹാസ്വിന) Glorious Boy
Mahatapas (മഹാതപാസ) Great meditator Boy
Mahatapase (മഹാതപസ്വീ) Great meditator Boy
Mahatej (മഹാതേജ) Lord Shiva, Most brilliant, Powerful, Having energy or vigor, Name of Shiva, Vishnu, Epithet of Agni Boy
Mahatejas (മഹാതേജസ) Most radiant Boy
Mahatejase (മഹാതേജസേ) Most radiant Boy
Mahatman (മഹാത്മാ) Supreme being Boy
Mahatmane (മഹാത്മന) Supreme being Boy
Mahatru (മഹാത്രൂ) Lord Vishnu, Greatest of the great, Name of Shiva, To be honored Boy
Mahaveer (മഹാവീര) Most courageous among men Boy
Mahavir (മഹാവീര) Most courageous among men Boy
Mahavira (മഹാവീര) Most valiant Boy
Mahayogi (മഹായോഗീ) Greatest of all gods Boy
Mahayogine (മഹായോഗീന) Supreme meditator Boy
Mahe (മാഹേ) Expert, Lord Vishnu Boy
Mahee (മാഹീ) Expert, Lord Vishnu Boy
Maheem (മഹീമ) Lord Shiva, Great Boy
Maheep (മഹീപ) King Boy
Maheepati (മഹീപതി) King Boy
Mahendar (മഹേന്ദര) Lard Indra Boy
Mahendaran (മഹേന്ദ്രം) Lord Shiva Boy
Mahendiran (മഹേംദീരന) Boy
Mahendra (മഹേംദ്ര) The great God Indra (the God of the Sky), Lord Indra, Lord of the Sky Boy
Mahendran (മഹേന്ദ്രന) The great God Indra (the God of the Sky), Lord Indra, Lord of the Sky Boy
Maher (മഹേര) Skilled Boy
Mahesh (മഹേശ) Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva, Great among Gods Boy
Mahesha (മഹേശ) Supreme Lord Boy
Maheshwar (മഹേശ്വര) Lord Shiva, God Shankar Boy
Maheshwara (മഹേശ്വര) Lord of Gods Boy
Maheshwaram (മഹേശ്വരമ) Lord of the universe Boy
Maheswar (മഹേശ്വര) Lord Shiva, God Shankar Boy
Mahidhar (മഹീധര) Angry Man Boy
Mahidher (മഹീധര) Boy
Mahija (മഹീജാ) Born with Praises Boy
Mahijith (മഹീജിത) Conqueror of the Earth Boy
Mahiman (മഹിമന) Dignity, Power, Greatness Boy
Mahin (മഹീന) The Earth, Fine or thin texture Boy
Mahindra (മഹിംദ്രാ) A king Boy
Mahipal (മഹിപാല) A king Boy
Mahipathi (മഹീപതി) King Boy
Mahipati (മഹീപതി) King Boy
Mahir (മാഹിര) Expert, Brave Boy
Mahiraj (മഹീരാജ) Ruler of the world Boy
Mahiransh (മഹീരാംശ) Part of Goddess, Part of Earth Goddess (Mother Earth) Boy
Mahish (മഹീഷ) A king, The Sun, Mighty, Lord of the Earth, Great, Buffalo Boy
Mahit (മാഹിത) Honored, Respected, Excellent, Revered Boy
Mahith (മഹിത) Honored, Respected, Excellent, Revered Boy
Mahnav (മഹനാവ) Man, Human being Boy
Mahodara (മഹോദരാ) Generous and kind Boy
Mahok (മഹോക) Eminent, Another name for Vishnu Boy
Mahrishi (മഹൃഷി) Yogi (Ascetic) Boy
Maieveen (മൈയവീന) Lovely Boy
Maimat (മൈമത) Devoted, A promise to God Boy
Mainak (മൈനാക) A mountain near Kailash, a Himalayan peak Boy
Mairav (മൈരവ) Friendly, Born of mount Meru, relating to mount Meru Boy
Mairava (മൈരവാ) Boy
Maitraiy (മൈത്രായ) Name of an ancient Rishi Boy
Makar (മകര) Blessed Boy
Makarand (മകരംദ) Bee Boy
Makesh (മകേശ) God, Lord Shiva Boy
Makhesh (മഖേശ) Lord Krishna, Lord of sacrifice, Name of Vishnu Boy
Makrand (മകരംദ) Honey Boy
Makul (മാക഼ൂല) A bud Boy
Makur (മകര) Mirror, Jasmine, A bud, Reflection Boy
Mal Marugan (മോല മരുഗന) Lord Murugan, Vishnu',s nephew Boy
Malaimakal Makan (മാലിമകാല മകന) Lord Murugan, The son of the daughter of mountain Himavan Boy
Malan (മാലന) Defender of mankind Boy
Malank (മാലംക) King Boy
Malaravan (മാലാരാവന) Gentle like flower Boy
Malasri (മാലശ്രീ) Woman wearing a garland Boy
Malav (മാലവ) A musical raag, Ansh of Goddess Lakshmi, Horse keeper Boy
Malay (മലയ) A mountain, Fragrant, Sandalwood, A mountain range in south India famous for its spices Boy
Malayaj (മലയജ) Sandal tree Boy
Malesh (മലേശ) Lord Shiva, Lord of garlands Boy
Malhar (മല്ഹാര) A Raga used in Indian music Boy
Malhari (മല്ഹാരീ) Lord Shiva, Enemy of the demon Malla Boy
Malinga (മലീംഗാ) Brave Boy
Malkant (മലകംത) Lord of Lotus, Lord Vishnu Boy
Mallesh (മല്ലേശ) Lord Shiva, Lord of garlands Boy
Mallesha (മല്ലേശാ) Name of Lord Shiva Boy
Mallesham (മല്ലേശമ) Mallanna God Boy
Mallikarjun (മല്ലികാര്ജുന) Mallikarjun is an another name of the Lord Shiva Boy
Mallu (മല്ലൂ) God knowledge Boy
Malolan (മാലോലന) Name of deity in Ahobilam Boy
Maloy (മാംലോയ) Southern Wind in Fagun Boy
Malya (മാല്യാ) Worthy to be garlanded, Wealth, Mass of flowers Boy
Mamik (മാര്മിക) Pure soul, Meaningful Boy
Mamraj (മാമരാജ) Lord of affection Boy
Man (മന) Lecturer, Respect, Supernatural power, Lord of mind, Opinion, Devotion, Home, Pride, Respect Boy
Manaan (മനാന) Meditate, Thinking, Thought Boy
Managobinda (മനഗോബിന്ദാ) Boy
Manahar (മനഹര) Lord Krishna, Pleasing, Charming, One who attracts the mind Boy
Manaj (മനജ) Born in mind, Created in mind, Imagined another name for the Love God Kaama Boy
Manajit (മനജീത) One who has conquered thought, One who overcame the mind Boy
Manajith (മനജീത) One who has conquered thought, One who overcame the mind Boy
Manak (മാനക) A kind soul, Related to the mind, Affectionate Boy
Manalp (മനാല്പ) Very different Boy
Manan (മനന) Meditate, Thinking, Thought Boy
Manank (മനാംക) Affectionate, Kind Boy
Manansh (മനാംശ) Boy
Manant (മനാംത) Deep Thinking Boy
Manap (മനാപ) Wining the heart, Taking the fancy, Pleasing, Beautiful, Attractive Boy
Manarp (മനാരപ) Boy
Manas (മാനസ) Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Insight, Cheerfulness Boy
Manashyu (മനശ്യൂ) Wishing, Desiring, Desirous Boy
Manasij (മനസീജ) The Cupid, The God of Love, Passion, Love, The Moon, Another name for the Love God Kaama Boy
Manasvin (മനസ്വിന) Lord Vishnu, Intelligent, Clever, Prudent, Attentive, Full of mind Boy
Manaswin (മനസ്വിന) Lord Vishnu, Intelligent, Clever, Prudent, Attentive, Full of mind Boy
Manasyu (മനസ്യു) Wishing, Desiring, Desirous Boy
Manav (മാനവ) Man, Youth, Relating to Manu, Humankind, Human being, Pearl, Treasure human being Boy
Manava (മാനവ) Man, Human being Boy
Manavendra (മാനവേന്ദ്ര) King among men Boy
Manay (മനയ) Loving personality, Who wins the heart Boy
Mandan (മംദന) Adorning, Loving, Decoration Boy
Mandar (മംദാര) A flower, Heavenly, Large, Firm, Slow Boy
Mandavya (മാംഡവ്യാ) Name of a sage Boy
Mandeep (മനദീപ) Light of the mind, Light of sages Boy
Mandhata (മന്ധാതാ) An ancient king Boy
Mandhatri (മംധാതരീ) Prince Boy
Mandin (മംദിന) Delighting, Nectar Boy
Mandir (മംദിര) Temple Boy
Mandit (മംഡിത) Decorated, Adorned Boy
Mandith (മംദിത) Decorated, Adorned Boy
Maneesh (മനീഷ) Lord of the mind, Joyful temperament, Soul, Pride, Heart, Deep thinker Boy
Maneet (മനീത) One who wins the heart, Highly respected, Highly regarded, Celebrated, Understood Boy
Manendra (മാനേന്ദ്ര) King of mind Boy
Manesh (മനേശ) Lord of the mind, Joyful temperament, Soul, Pride, Heart, Deep thinker Boy
Mangal (മംഗല) Auspicious, Welfare, Joy, Another name for Agni and Mars Boy
Mangalam (മംഗലമ) All auspicious Lord Boy
Mangalamurti (മംഗലമൂര്തി) All auspicious Lord Boy
Mangesh (മംഗേശ) Lord Shiva, Lord of benediction, Lord of welfare Boy
Manggaurdi (മംഗഗോര്ഡീ) Lord Murugan Boy
Manhan (മഹാന) Present, Gift Boy
Manhar (മനഹര) Lord Krishna, Pleasing, Charming, One who attracts the mind Boy
Manhi (മാംഹീ) Boy
Mani (മണി) A Jewel, One who prevents Boy
Mani Charan (മനീചരന) Gentle one Boy
Mani Shankar (മണിശംകര) Lord Shiva, Mani - Jewel + Shankar - causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious Boy
Manibalan (മണിബാലന) Boy
Manibhushan (മണിഭൂഷണ) Supreme Gem Boy
Manich (മാനിച) Pearl, Flower, Hand Boy
Manickaraj (മണികരാജ) King of gem Boy
Manideep (മണിദീപ) Light of diamond Boy
Manidhar (മണിധര) A mythical Snake with a Jewel in its Hood Boy
Manigandan (മണിഗംദാന) Lord Ayyappa Boy
Manik (മാനിക) Ruby, Valued, Honoured, Gem Boy
Manikandan (മനീകംതന , മനീകംദന) One with a bell around his neck, Another name of Lord Ayyappa Boy
Manikant (മണികാംത) The blue Jewel, Shining brightly Boy
Manikanta (മണികാംത) Lord Ayyappa Boy
Manikantan (മണികാംതന) One with a bell around his neck, Another name of Lord Ayyappa Boy
Manikanth (മണികാംത) The blue Jewel, Shining brightly Boy
Manikya (മാണിക്യ) Ruby Boy
Manim (മനീമ) Spring of pearls Boy
Manimaran (മണിമാരന) Brave Boy
Manindra (മനിന്ദ്ര) Diamond, Lord of gems Boy
Maninth (മാനീന്ത) Carried by the mind Boy
Maniram (മനീരാമ) Jewel of a person Boy
Manish (മനീഷ) Lord of the mind, Joyful temperament, Soul, Pride, Heart, Deep thinker Boy
Manishankar (മണിശംകര) Lord Shiva, Mani - Jewel + Shankar - causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious Boy
Manishin (മനീശിന) Thoughtfull Boy
Manishit (മനീഷിത) Wished, Desired Boy
Manishith (മനീഷിത) Wished, Desired Boy
Manishowrya (മനിശൌര്യാ) Boy
Manit (മാനിത) One who wins a heart, Highly respected, Highly regarded, Celebrated, Understood Boy
Manith (മാനിത) Honored, Chosen Boy
Maniv (മാനവ) Manvi (Human) Boy
Manjav (മാംജവ) Swift as thought Boy
Manjeet (മനജീത) Conqueror of the mind, Conqueror of knowledge Boy
Manju Prasad (മംജു പ്രസാദ) Snow, Dewdrops, Beautiful Boy
Manju Prasanna (മംജൂ പ്രസന്നാ) Snow Boy
Manjughosh (മംജുഘോശ) Sweet sounding recitation Boy
Manjul (മംജുല) Handsome Boy
Manjunath (മംജുനാഥ) Snow, Dewdrops, Beautiful Boy
Manjunatha (മാംന്ജുനാതാ) Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva, Lord of beauty, Charm, Pleasantness Boy
Mankan (മാംകന) A part of the mind Boy
Mankit (മംകിത) Man of heart Boy
Manksh (മംക്ഷ) Longing, Desire Boy
Mankur (മന്കുര) That which reflect the mind, Amirror Boy
Manmada (മനമാഡ) Any time young Boy
Manmatha (മന്മഥ) Cupid Boy
Manmathan (മന്മഥന) Kamadeva (Love God) Boy
Manmit (മനമീത) Friend of mind Boy
Manmohak (മനമോഹക) Manko mohak karne wala (One who wins hearts) Boy
Manmohan (മനമോഹന) Pleasing, Lord Krishna Boy
Mann (മനന) Lecturer, Respect, Supernatural power, Lord of mind, Opinion, Devotion, Home, Pride, Respect Boy
Mannan (മന്നന) Meditate, Thinking, Thought Boy
Mannath (മന്നത) A vow to a deity, Wish Boy
Mannith (മാന്നിത) Honoured, Chosen Boy
Mannraj (മന്നരാജ) Ruler of heart Boy
Manobhaav (മനോഭാവ) Attitude Boy
Manohar (മനോഹര) One who wins over mind, Loveable, Charming, Another name for Lord Krishna Boy
Manohara (മനോഹരാ) One who wins over mind, Loveble, Charming, Another name for Lord Krishna, An Apsara or celestial nymph Boy
Manoharan (മനോഹരണ) Lord Murugan, Pleasing to mind, Name of a Raaga, Heart ravishing, Captivating, Attractive, Charming, A kind of Jasmine, Name of Krishna or Vishnu Boy
Manohari (മനോഹാരീ) Beauty, Loveble, Jasmine, An Apsara Boy
Manoj (മനോജ) Love, Originating in the mind, Born of mind Boy
Manojavam (മനോജവം) Lord Hanuman, Speed like wind Boy
Manojavaya (മനോജവായ) Lord Hanuman, Speed like wind Boy
Manomay (മനോമയ) Conqueror of one',s heart, winner of hearts Boy
Manonith (മനോനീത) Carried by the mind Boy
Manoranjan (മനോരംജന) One who pleases the mind Boy
Manorath (മനോരഥ) Desire Boy
Manorit (മനോരിത) Desire, Of the mind Boy
Manot (മനോത) Originating in the mind, Born of the mind Boy
Manotej (മനോതേജ) Who has fast thinking Boy
Manoth (മനോത) Originating in the mind, Born of the mind Boy
Manpav (മാനപവ) Boy
Manprasad (മാനപ്രസാദ) A mentally calm and relaxed person Boy
Mansh (മാനഷ) Salvation Boy
Manshu (മനശും) Honest, Peace Boy
Mansukh (മനസുഖ) Pleasure of mind Boy
Mant (മംത) Thought, Devotion, Another name of the Sun, Lord Shiva Boy
Mantar (മംതര) Bluff master Boy
Mantavya (മംതവ്യ) Thought Boy
Mantavyah (മന്തവ്യഃ) Sadhu (Sage) Boy
Manth (മംഥ) Thought, Devotion, Another name of the Sun, Lord Shiva Boy
Mantha (മന്ഥാ) Thought, Devotion, Another name of the Sun, Lord Shiva Boy
Manthan (മംഥന) Reflection through study Boy
Mantik (മംതിക) Thoughtful, Devoted Boy
Mantosh (മംതോഷ) Pleasure of Mind Boy
Mantram (മംത്രമ) Holy name, Lord Vishnu Boy
Mantraraj (മംത്രരാജ) Hymns, Holy chants Boy
Mantrin (മംത്രീന) The knower of hymns, Wise, Articulate, Adviser, With knowledge of the sacred texts Boy
Manuj (മനുജ) Human, Born of Manu, Man Boy
Manuprairna (മനുപ്രേരണാ) Inspiration of original man Boy
Manurai (മനുരാഈ) Founder father of human beings Boy
Manuraj (മനുരാജ) Kuber Boy
Manvendra (മാനവേന്ദ്ര) King among men Boy
Manvik (മാനവിക) One who is consious, Intellegent, Kind hearted Boy
Manvil (മാനവീല) From a great estate Boy
Manvir (മനവിര) Brave heart Boy
Manvit (മന്വിത) Human Boy
Manvith (മന്വിത) Human Boy
Manwendra (മാനവേന്ദ്ര) King among men Boy
Manyas (മാന്യാസ) Great Boy
Manyata (മാന്യതാ) Principles, Assumption Boy
Manyu (മന്യു) Mind Boy
Maral (മരാല) Swan, Deer, Soft, Gentle Boy
Maran (മരണ) Sea Boy
Mardav (മാര്ദവ) Softness Boy
Mareech (മാരീച) Another name of the Sun Boy
Mareechi (മാരീചീ) Ray of light, Name of a star Boy
Maresh (മരേശ) God Boy
Marich (മാരീച) Another name of the Sun Boy
Marine (മരീന) Manu the great Boy
Mariraj (മാരീരാജ) A world king Boy
Markanday (മാര്കണ്ഡേയ) A devotee to Lord Shiva, A sage who wrote Devi Mahatmyam Boy
Markandeya (മാര്കണ്ഡേയ) A devotee to Lord Shiva, A sage who wrote Devi Mahatmyam Boy
Markhandeyan (മാര്ഖാന്ദേയന) A devotee of Lord Shiva Boy
Marmik (മാര്മിക) Intelligent, Influential, Insightful, Perceptive Boy
Marsh (മാര്ശ) Steward, Patience, Deliberation Boy
Marshan (മാര്ശന) Defence or of the sea, Patient Boy
Martand (മാര്തംഡ) The Sun, Sun God Boy
Martanda (മാംര്തംദാ) The Sun, Sun God Boy
Martha (മാര്ഥാ) Lady Boy
Marthand (മാര്തംദ) The Sun, Sun God Boy
Marudeva (മരുദേവാ) Lord of the desert Boy
Marudha (മരുധാ) Place of farms Boy
Marut (മാരുത) Air, God of the wind, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Brilliant, Breeze, The storm God, Belonging to the wind Boy
Marutatmaj (മരുതാത്മജ) Most beloved like gems Boy
Marutatmaja (മരുതാത്മജാ) Adored like gems Boy
Maruth (മാരൂത) Air, God of the wind, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Brilliant, Breeze, The storm God, Belonging to the wind Boy
Maruthi (മാരുതി) Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind, An epithet of Hanuman Boy
Maruthi Prasad (മാരുതി പ്രസാദ) Lord Hanuman, Bhimsen Boy
Maruti (മാരുതി) Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind, An epithet of Hanuman Boy
Marvin (മാര്വിന) Famous friend Boy
Masar (മാസര) Sapphire, Jewel, Emerald Boy
Mastikh (മസ്തീഖ) Naughty Boy
Mat (മത) Undorstood, Thought, Opinion, Honoured, Wanted Boy
Matanga (മതംഗാ) Sage, Advisor to Devi Lalita Boy
Mateah (മാതേഹ) Honored, Desired, Liked Boy
Math (മത) Bear, Jewel, Magnet Boy
Mathan (മാതന) Cupid, God of Love Boy
Matheysh (മാംതേയശ) Lord Shiva Boy
Mathi (മാംഥീ) The Moon, Thought, Prayer, Mind, Decision, Respect, Will decision, Intelligence, Memory Boy
Mathrudev (മാഥ്രുദേവ) One who worships his mother, For one whom mother is the deity Boy
Mathura (മഥുരാ) An ancient religious city Boy
Matil (മാതീല) Intelligent Boy
Matre (മാത്രേ) Boy
Matru (മാതൃ) Native, Motherly Boy
Matsendra (മത്സേംദ്ര) King of the fishes Boy
Matsyendra (മത്സ്യേന്ദ്ര) Lord of the fish Boy
Mauktik (മൌക്തിക) Pearl Boy
Maulesh (മൌലേശ) Chandra Mauleshawar (Lord Shiva) Boy
Maulik (മൌലിക) Precious, Valuable, Dear, Ultimate, Original, Essential ultimate Boy
Maury (മൌര്യ) Dark skinned. Boy
Maurya (മൌര്യ) King, Leader Boy
Mavee (മാവീ) Color blue Boy
Mavji (മാവജീ) Lord Krishna Boy
Mawlik (മൌലിക) The precious Boy
Mayamanushyacharitra (മയമനുഷ്യാചാരിത്ര) The incarnation of the human form to establish Dharma Boy
Mayamareechahantre (മയമരീചാഹന്ത്രേ) Slayer of demon Tataka',s son Mariachi Boy
Mayan (മയന) Water source, Indifferent to wealth Boy
Mayandi (മയനദീ) The name of a supreme God who is well caring and loving Boy
Mayank (മയംക) The Moon, Distinguished Boy
Mayanka (മയംക) The Moon Boy
Mayas (മയാസ) Refreshment, Pleasure, Joy, M baby names Boy
Mayil Vahanan (മായില വാഹനം) Lord Murugan, The one who has a peacock as his vehicle Boy
Mayon (മയോന) The black God Boy
Mayon Marugan (മയോന മൃഗന) Lord Murugan, Vishnu',s nephew Boy
Mayoor (മയൂര) Peacock Boy
Mayoora (മയൂര) Peacock, Illusion Boy
Mayuesh (മായുഷ) Boy
Mayuk (മായുക) Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor Boy
Mayukh (മയൂഖ) Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor Boy
Mayur (മയൂര) Peacock Boy
Mayura (മയൂരാ) Peacock, Illusion Boy
Mayuran (മയുരന) Lord Murugan, The one who has a peacock as his vehicle Boy
Mayuresh (മയുരേശ) Karthikeya - son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, he travels on a peacock (Mayur), Lord of Peacock Boy
Mayuv (മായൂവ) Mother and baby Boy
Mazhilan (മജഹിലാം) Give Happy to life Boy
Mebin (മേബീന) Brilliant Boy
Medant (മേദാംത) Danav ka ant karne vala (Slayer of demons) Boy
Medhaj (മേധജ) Chief Boy
Medhanidhi (മേധാനീധീ) Tenderness Boy
Medhansh (മേധാംശ) One who is born with intelligence Boy
Meehan (മിഹാന) Suddh, Pure Boy
Meelan (മിലന) Union Boy
Meer (മീര) Chief, Worthy of admiration Boy
Meerant (മീരാംത) Meera',s end, Lord Krishna Bhakt devotee, Meera',s moment of merging into Lord Krishna, i.e. Meera-ant: Meera',s end Boy
Meeresh (മിരേശ) Hindu God Boy
Meet (മിത) Friend Boy
Meetaan (മീതാന) Friend for ever Boy
Meetraj (മിത്രാജ) Kingdom of friends Boy
Meetul (മിതുല) True friend, Balanced, Moderate Boy
Megh (മേഘ) Cloud Boy
Megh Nad (മേഘ-നാദ) The roar of clouds, Thunder Boy
Meghadri (മേഘധ്രീ) Hill of cloud Boy
Meghaj (മേഘാജ) Pearl Boy
Meghajith (മേഘജീത) Boy
Meghanad (മേഘനാദ) Son of Raavan, Megh means cloud and naad means sound, he was named so because a terrific thunder occurred when he took birth Boy
Meghanraj (മേഘംരാജ) Pearl Boy
Meghashyam (മേഘശ്യാമ) Lord Krishna, Cloud dark Boy
Meghdutt (മേഘദത്ത) Gift of clouds Boy
Meghmalhar (മേഘമല്ഹാര) Clouds, Raag for rains Boy
Meghnad (മേഘനാദ) A roar of clouds, Thunder Boy
Meghraj (മേഘരാജ) King of clouds Boy
Mehan (മഹാന) Suddh, Pure Boy
Mehat (മേഹത) Greatness Boy
Mehith (മേഹിത) Always smiling Boy
Mehul (മേഹുല) Rain Boy
Mekhal (മേഖല) Girdle, Belt Boy
Menon (മേനന) Lord Krishna, Exalted one Boy
Meraman (മേരാമണ) Samndar (Ocean) Boy
Meru (മേരൂ) A famous mountain in Hindu mythology, High point Boy
Meshanth (മേശാംഥ) Glorious Boy
Meshanthan (മേശാംതന) Shantham Boy
Midesh (മിദേശ) Love Boy
Midhil (മീധീല) Kind ness Boy
Midhinesh (മീധീനേശ) Lord Indra, King of Heaven Boy
Midhun (മീധുന) A pair, A month of Kerala Midhunam Boy
Midhush (മിദുഷ) Most bountiful, Liberal Boy
Miduensh (മീദുംശ) Boy
Miha (മിഹാ) Love Boy
Mihaan (മിഹാന) Great, Man with best of qualities Boy
Mihan (മിഹാന) Cloud, Great, Best qualities Boy
Mihir (മിഹിര) The Sun Boy
Mihirkiran (മിഹിരകിരണ) Sunray Boy
Mihista (മിഹിസ്താ) Lover Boy
Mihit (മീഹിത) One of the names of the Sun in Indian mythology Boy
Mihul (മീഹുല) Boy
Mikesh (മികേശ) A Kind of Lord Boy
Miki (മികീ) Who is like God Boy
Mikin (മീകീന) Strong Boy
Miko (മീകോ) Beautiful, Blessed child, Smiling child Boy
Mikul (മികുല) Comrade Boy
Miky (മികീ) Who is like God Boy
Milaan (മിലാന) Union, To meet Boy
Milan (മിലന) Union, To meet Boy
Miland (മിലംദ) Bee Boy
Milap (മിലാപ) Union Boy
Milash (മിലാശ) Sweet girl Boy
Milind (മിലിംദ) Honeybee Boy
Milit (മിലിത) Comradeship Boy
Milun (മിലുന) Union Boy
Minesh (മിനേശ) Leader of fish Boy
Minhal (മിന്ഹാല) Beautiful Flowers Boy
Minoshan (മിനശാന) Boy
Mintu (മിന്ടു) Healthy, Good, Strong Boy
Mir (മീര) Chief, Worthy of admiration Boy
Miransh (മിരാംശ) A small part of the ocean Boy
Mirat (മിരാത) Mirror, Reflective Boy
Mirikh (മീരീഖ) Refers to the planet Mars in English. It also means “wolf” Boy
Mirthvik (മീര്ഥവിക) Strong fighter Boy
Mirudul (മൃദുല) Soft, Calm Boy
Mirvaan (മീരവാന) Relates to vastness (Mir - sea/ocean vaan - full of life) Boy
Misal (മിസാല) Example, Copy, Torch, Light, Lightened, Sparkling, Shining Boy
Mishay (മീശയ) A variant of Michelle. Alternate spelling: Misha, Mishaye, Smile Boy
Mishkat (മിശ്കത) niche Boy
Mishrak (മിശ്രക) Various, Varied, Indra',s garden of paradise Boy
Mishrit (മിശ്രിത) Mix Boy
Mishrita (മിശ്രിത) Boy
Mishry (മിശ്രയ) Sweet, Brilliant Boy
Mishubh (മിശുഭ) Mera Shubh (Lucky for me) Boy
Mishv (മിഷ്വ) Rulling personality Boy
Mishya (മിശ്യാ) Boy
Mistha (മിഷ്ട) Sweet Boy
Mit (മിത) Friend Boy
Mitabhashini (മിതഭാഷിണി) Reticent and mellifluous speaker Boy
Mital (മിതല) Friendly, Friendship, Sweet Boy
Mitang (മീതംഗ) Well defined body Boy
Mitansh (മിതാംശ) Male friend Boy
Mitanshu (മിതാംശു) Bordered, Friendly element Boy
Miten (മിതേന) Male friend Boy
Mitesh (മിതേശ) One with few desires Boy
Mithil (മിഥില) Kingdom Boy
Mithila (മിഥിലാ) Kingdom Boy
Mithilan (മിഥിലാന) Sita Devi',s kingdom Boy
Mithilayush (മിഥിലായുഷ) Boy
Mithilesh (മിഥിലേശ) The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita Boy
Mithin (മീതീന) Governor, Moment in time Boy
Mithlesh (മിഥിലേശ) The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita Boy
Mithon (മീതോന) A pair, Couple Boy
Mithran (മിത്രന) The Sun Boy
Mithren (മീത്രേന) The Sun Boy
Mithresh (മിത്രേശ) Peace-lover, Warm, Mediator Boy
Mithreshvaran (മിത്രേശ്വരാന) Boy
Mithreswar (മിത്രേശ്വര) Boy
Mithul (മിതുല) Kingdom Boy
Mithun (മിഥുന) Couple or union Boy
Mitin (മിതിന) Governor, Moment in time Boy
Mitra (മിത്രാ) Friend, The Sun Boy
Mitrajit (മിത്രജിത) Friendly Boy
Mitrayu (മിത്രായു) Friendly Boy
Mittali (മീത്താലീ) Friendly Boy
Mitthu (മീഠും) Sweet, One who speaks sweetly, Parrot, Measured Boy
Mittoo (മീത്തൂ) Sweet, One who speaks sweetly, Parrot, Measured Boy
Mitul (മിതുല) Faithful friend, Balanced, Moderate Boy
Mitun (മിതുന) Couple or union Boy
Mitvesh (മിത്വേഷ) Goddess Boy
Mitwa (മിതവാ) Companion, Beloved Boy
Mivaan (മിവാന) Sunrays Boy
Mod (മോദ) Modesty, Happiness, Fragrance Boy
Modak (മോദക) Pleasing, Delightful Boy
Modith (മോദിതഃ) Protection Boy
Moh (മോഹ) Love, Worldly attachment, Infatuation Boy
Moha (മോഹാ) God Krishna Boy
Mohajit (മോഹജീത) Attractive Boy
Mohak (മോഹക) Attractive, Infatuating, Handsome Boy
Mohal (മോഹല) Attractive Boy
Mohan (മോഹന) Charming, Fascinating, Infatuating, Another name for Shiva and Krishna, Handsome Boy
Mohana Priya (മോഹനപ്രിയ) Loving, Attractive &, charming Boy
Mohanan (മോഹനന) Delightful Boy
Mohanish (മോഹനീശ) Lord Krishna, Attractive God Boy
Mohanraj (മോഹനരാജ) Charming, Fascinating, Lord Krishna Boy
Mohdeep (മോഹദീപ) Attractive Boy
Mohen (മോഹന) God Krishna Boy
Mohil (മോഹില) Attractive Boy
Mohin (മോഹീന) Attractive, Fascinating, Bewildering Boy
Mohit (മോഹിത) Ensnarled by beauty, Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Boy
Mohith (മോഹിത) Ensnarled by beauty, Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Boy
Mohnish (മോഹനീശ) Lord Krishna, Attractive God Boy
Mohul (മോഹുല) Attractive Boy
Moksh (മോക്ഷ) Mukti, Emancipation, Liberation, Salvation, Another name for mount Meru Boy
Mokshad (മോക്ഷദ) Last of Moksha Boy
Mokshagna (മോക്ഷാഗ്നാ) Presenter of Moksha (Relief), Son of Sun Boy
Mokshajna (മോക്ഷജ്ഞാ) Lord name Boy
Mokshal (മോക്ഷാല) Liberation, Salvation, Heaven Boy
Mokshgna (മോക്ഷഗണ) Lord Shiva Boy
Mokshi (മോക്ഷീ) Spirited, Energy, Nerve Boy
Mokshin (മോക്ഷീന) Free from attachment, Seeking salvation, Liberated, Free Boy
Mokshit (മോക്ഷിത) Moksh ki Ichchha rakhne wala, Liberation Boy
Mokshith (മോക്ഷിതഃ) Moksh ki Ichchha rakhne wala, Liberation Boy
Monali (മോനാലീ) Name of Goddess Durga Boy
Monank (മോനാംക) A part of a Moon Boy
Monark (മോനാര്ക) A king Boy
Monendra (മൌനേന്ദ്ര) Good fortune Boy
Moni (മോനീ) Silent Boy
Monik (മോനീക) Advise Boy
Monish (മോനീഷ) Lord of mind, Attractive, Another name for Krishna Boy
Monit (മോനീത) Smart, Intelligent, All in one, Poison Boy
Monojit (മനോജീത) Who wins the heart of people Boy
Montesh (മോന്തേശ) Mountain Boy
Montu (മോന്ടു) A sweet name Boy
Monty (മോന്ടീ) Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery Boy
Mookesh (മുകേശ) Lord of the dumb, Another name for Lord Shiva, To liberate Boy
Moorthi (മൂര്തി) An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Boy
Moorti (മൂര്തീ) An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Boy
Moreshwar (മോരേശ്വര) Moreshwar or Mayureshwar is one of Ashthavinayaks (Lord Ganapati), Elephant headed God Boy
Moriya (മോരിയാ) Teacher Boy
Morya (മൌര്യ) King Boy
Moti (മോതീ) Pearl Boy
Motilal (മോതീലാല) Pearl Boy
Mouli (മൌലീ) Name of Lord Shiva, Crown of hair Boy
Moulik (മൌലിക) Precious, Valuable, Dear, Ultimate, Original, Essential ultimate Boy
Mounesh (മോനേശ) The salient God, Avatar of Lord Shiva Boy
Mouni (മൌനീ) Lord Shiva, Silent Boy
Mounish (മോനിശ) Lord of mind, Attractive, Another name for Krishna Boy
Mounith (മൌനിത) Peace, Lord Murugan Boy
Mourin (മോംരീന) Boy
Mourya (മൌര്യ) King, Leader Boy
Moushimi (മൌശമീ) Seasonal Boy
Mousum (മൌസമ) Weather Boy
Mouvian (മോവിയന) Boy
Movind (മോവിംദ) Good Boy
Moxit (മോക്ഷിത) Boy
Mranal (മൃനാല) A collection of lotus Boy
Mriduk (മൃദുക) Gentle, Soft Boy
Mridul (മൃദുല) Tender, Delicate, Soft, Gentle, Water Boy
Mridulraj (മൃദുലരാജ) Boy
Mridur (മൃദുര) Water born Boy
Mriga (മൃഗാ) A female deer Boy
Mrigad (മൃഗദ) Animal devourer, Tiger Boy
Mrigaj (മൃഗജ) Son of the Moon Boy
Mrigalochan (മൃഗലോചന) With eyes like that of a deer Boy
Mrigank (മൃഗാംക) The Moon, Wind, Distinguished Boy
Mriganka (മൃഗാംകാ) The Moon, Wind, Distinguished Boy
Mriganka Mouli (മ്രിഗംകമൌലീ) Lord Shiva, Mriganka - the Moon, Mauli - the head, Diadem, Foremost, Crown, Hair ornamented and braided around the head, The Earth, A Chain made of rows of pearls separated by gold studs Boy
Mriganka Sekhar (മൃഗാംകശേഖര) Lord Shiva, One with Moon on his head Boy
Mrigasya (മൃഗസ്യ) Lord Shiva, The zodiac sign of capricorn, Epithet of Shiva Boy
Mrigendra (മൃഗേന്ദ്ര) Lion Boy
Mrigesh (മൃഗേശ) Lion Boy
Mrinank (മൃനാംക) The Moon Boy
Mrinanka (മ്രീനംകാ) Moon Boy
Mrinendra (മ്രിനേംദ്ര) Lion Boy
Mrinesh (മ്രീനേശ) Sweet wine Boy
Mrinmoy (മൃന്മോയ) Made of earth Boy
Mrirunay (മൃരുനയ) Earthly Boy
Mrithun (മ്രിഥുന) Made of earth Boy
Mrithvik (മ്രീഥ്വീക) Deep thinker Boy
Mritunjay (മൃത്യുംജയ) Lord Shiva, Conqueror of death Boy
Mrityuanjaya (മൃത്യുംജയ) Lord Shiva, Conqueror of death Boy
Mrityunjay (മൃത്യുംജയ) Lord Shiva, Conqueror of death Boy
Mrudang (മൃദംഗ) Musical instrument Boy
Mrudhul (മൃധുല) Beautiful, Smart, Soft Boy
Mrudul (മൃദുല) Soft natured Boy
Mrug (മൃഗ) Name of a bird Boy
Mrugan (മൃഗന) It’s taken from Lord Murugan, which means Lord Karthikeya Boy
Mrugank (മൃഗാംക) Lion Boy
Mrugnesh (മൃഗ്നേശ) Lion Boy
Mrunamay (മൃണമയ) Boy
Mrunmay (മൃണ്മയ) Earthly Boy
Mrutavanarajeevana (മൃതവാനരാജീവനാ) Reviver of dead monkeys Boy
Mrutyunjay (മൃത്യുംജയ) One who has won over death, One who is immortal Boy
Mudgal (മുദഗല) A saint Boy
Mudil (മുദില) Moonshine Boy
Mudit (മുദിത) Happy, Satisfied, Pleased Boy
Mugeshan (മുംഗേശന) Happy long life Boy
Mugilan (മുഗിലാന) King of Clouds Boy
Mugundhan (മുഗംധന) Lord Krishna Boy
Muhil (മുഹീല) Cloud Boy
Muhir (മുഹിര) Bewilderer, Passionate, Dazzling, Another name for the love Boy
Mukesh (മുകേശ) Lord of the dumb, Another name for Lord Shiva, To liberate Boy
Mukhesh (മുഖേഷ) Cupid, Lord Shiva, Lord of joy Boy
Mukil (മുകീല) Cloud Boy
Mukilan (മുകീലന) Cloud we can say it as a group of clouds before the rain Boy
Muksith (മുകസീഥ) A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment Boy
Muktak (മുക്തക) Pearl Boy
Muktanand (മുക്താനംദ) Happiness of freedom Boy
Muktananda (മുക്താനംദ) Liberated Boy
Muktendra (മുക്തേന്ദ്ര) Boy
Muktidaya (മുക്തിദയാ) Bestower of eternal bliss Boy
Mukul (മുകുല) Bud, First bloom Boy
Mukund (മുകുംദ) Name of Lord Vishnu, Freedom giver, Gem, Liberator Boy
Mukunda (മുകുംദാ) Name of Lord Vishnu, Freedom giver, Gem, Liberator Boy
Mukundan (മുകുന്ദന) Lord Krishna Boy
Mukundhan (മുകുംധാന) Lord Krishna, Giver of liberation, Name of Vishnu or Krishna, A kind of precious stone, Name of Shiva Boy
Mukunth (മുകുന്ഥ) Name of Lord Krishna Boy
Mukut (മുകുട) Crown Boy
Mulark (മൂലാര്ക) Boy
Mulkit (മുലകിത) Boy
Mulkraj (മുല്കരാജ) King Boy
Mullinti (മുല്ലിനതി) Lord Shiva Boy
Munal (മൂനല) One who enables someone to possess something, One who gives something Boy
Mundakarama (മുംദകരാമാ) Abode of happiness Boy
Munduri (മുംദരീ) Grandson of Shiva Boy
Muneendra (മുനീന്ദ്ര) Best among saints Boy
Munesh (മുനേശ) With God, Lord Buddha, Chief of the army, Chief of the sages Boy
Muni (മുനി) Sage Boy
Muniandy (മുനീംദയ) Boy
Munikanta (മുനികാന്താ) Peace and cool Boy
Munikrishna (മുനികൃഷ്ണാ) Sage Boy
Munindra (മുനീന്ദ്ര) Best among saints Boy
Muniraja (മുനീരാജാ) Lord Kuber Boy
Muniraju (മുനീരാജു) Lord Kuber Boy
Munisansutasanstuta (മുനിസംസുതസംസ്തുതാ) Worshipped by sages Boy
Munish (മുനീഷ) With God, Lord Buddha, Chief of an army, Chief of the sages Boy
Muniswaran (മുനീസ്വരന) Boy
Munjal (മുംജാല) King of gujarat Boy
Munna (മുന്നാ) Little boy Boy
Murad (മുരാദ) Desire, Will Boy
Muraj (മുരജ) Boy
Muralidhar (മുരലീധര) Lord Krishna, The one who bears the flute Boy
Muralidhara (മുരലീധരാ) bearer of a flute Boy
Muralimanohar (മുരലീമനോഹര) Lord Krishna, Attractive one who has a flute in his hand Boy
Murari (മുരാരീ) Lord Krishna, Killer of the demon Mura Boy
Murarilal (മുരാരീലാല) Lord Krishna, Murari, The beloved Boy
Murgan (മുര്ഗന) Boy
Murgesh (മുര്ഗേശ) Lord Kartikeya, Lord Murugan Boy
Murli (മുരലീ) The flute Boy
Murlidhar (മുരലീധര) Lord Krishna, The one who bears the flute Boy
Murlimanohar (മുരലീമനോഹര) The flute playing God Boy
Murthi (മൂര്തി) An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Boy
Murthy (മൂര്തി) An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Boy
Murti (മുര്തീ) An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Boy
Muruga (മുരുഗാ) Lord Murugan, God of war Boy
Muruga Vel (മുരുഗാ വേല) Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Vel - spear Boy
Murugadas (മുരുഗദാസ) Bright Boy
Murugan (മുരുഗന) Tamil God Boy
Murugappan (മുരുഗപ്പാന) Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Appan - father Boy
Murugavel (മുരുഗവേല) Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Vel - spear Boy
Murugesan (മുരുഗേസന) Lord Murugan Boy
Murugesh (മുരുഗേശ) Lord Kartikeya, Lord Murugan Boy
Murugu (മുരുഗും) Lord Murugan name, Youth, Handsome Boy
Murukan (മുരുകാന) Lord Murugan, God of war Boy
Musikvahana (മുസികവാഹന) One who has a mouse as a charioteer Boy
Mustu (മുസ്തു) Boy
Muthanna (മുഥന്നാ) Lord Shiva Boy
Muthu (മുഥു) Pearl Boy
Muthu Krishnan (മുഥു കൃഷ്ണന) Made of pearls Boy
Muthujit (മുഥുജീത) Pearl Boy
Muthuvelan (മുഥുവേലന) Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of the Muruga’s spear Boy
Muttai (മുത്താഈ) Lord Murugan Boy
Muttu Kumaraswami (മുത്തുകുമാരസ്വാമീ) Lord Murugan, Muttu - Pearl, Kumara Swami - bachelor God Boy
Muttuk Kumaran (മുത്തുകകുമാരന) Lord Murugan, The boy who is precious like a Pearl muttu - Pearl, Kumaran - boy Boy
Muvesh (മുവേശ) Boy
Myesha (മയേശാ) Woman Boy

Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With "M"

Whether you're looking for classic or unique Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With “M” we have you covered with this list. Are you on the hunt for the perfect name for your little boy? Then you’ve come to the right place! Choosing the best name for your new baby can be challenging. When you’re looking for special or unique Malayalam boy names starting with "M" it’s important to keep in mind what kind of name might suit your baby best. From traditional names that have been in the family for generations, to the trendiest new moniker, there are baby boy names starting with "M" that everyone will love. Whether your baby is destined to be a sports star or a groundbreaking scientist, we have you covered with the perfect name for him, whether you need a first or middle name.

The Most Unique Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With "M"

Remember, selecting a name for your child is a special and personal decision. Make sure to consider your cultural background, family traditions, and personal preferences when choosing the perfect name for your little one! Malayalam Boy Names that start with the letter 'M' exude strength, elegance, and timeless charm. Whether you opt for the traditional, the array of 'M' names provides a diverse and meaningful selection for your little boy's identity.

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