Malayalam Boy Names That Start With A

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Malayalam Boy Names That Start With A

Read on for our guide to unique names for malayalam baby boy starting with the letter “A” and their fascinating meanings!

Name Meaning Gender
Aabhas (ആഭാസ) Feeling; Virtual Boy
Aabhat (ആഭാത) Shining; Visible; Brilliant Boy
Aabheer (ആഭീര) A cowherd; Name of a dynasty Boy
Aabir (ആബീര) Gulal (Auspicious red powder) Boy
Aacharya (ആചാര്യ) A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher Boy
Aachman (ആചമന) Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja Boy
Aadamya (ആദമ്യ) Apne Dam par (On one's own) Boy
Aadarsh (ആദര്ശ) Ideal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence Boy
Aadarsha (ആദര്ശ) Idol; Mentor; With an ideology Boy
Aadavan (ആദവന) The Sun Boy
Aadesh (ആദേശ) Command; Message; Counsel Boy
Aadhar (ആധാര) Base Boy
Aadhav (ആധാവ) Ruler Boy
Aadhavan (ആധാവന) The Sun Boy
Aadhirai (ആധിരാഈ) A special star Boy
Aadhiren (ആധീരേന) Dark Boy
Aadhiroop (ആധിരൂപ) Honest, Independent, Original Boy
Aadhish (ആധീഷ) Full of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled Boy
Aadhyatm (ആധ്യാത്മ) Meditetion ( Dhyan) Boy
Aadi (ആദി) Adornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant; Ornament; Unequalled; First Boy
Aadidev (ആദിദേവ) The Lord of the Lords; The first God Boy
Aadijay (ആദിജയ) The first victory Boy
Aadijith (ആദിജിതഃ) First victory Boy
Aadiksh (ആദിക്ഷ) Expressive; Diplomatic; Refined Boy
Aadim (ആദിമ) The entire universe; First; Foundation; Original Boy
Aadinath (ആദിനാഥ) The first Lord; Lord Vishnu Boy
Aadipta (ആദീപ്ത) Bright Boy
Aadish (ആദിശ) Full of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled Boy
Aadishankar (ആദിശംകര) Sri Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy Boy
Aadit (ആദിത) Peak; Lord of the Sun; First Boy
Aaditey (ആദിതയ) Son of Aditi; The Sun Boy
Aaditeya (ആദിതേയാ) The Sun Boy
Aadith (അദിത) Peak; Lord of the Sun; First Boy
Aadithya (ആദിത്യാ) Aditi's son, The Sun, Sun God Boy
Aadithyakethu (ആദിത്യകേതു) One of the Kauravas Boy
Aaditva (ആദിത്വ) A variant of Aditya: the Sun Boy
Aaditya (ആദിത്യാ) Aditi's son, The Sun, Sun God Boy
Aadiv (ആദിവ) Delicate Boy
Aadvay (ആദ്വയ) Unique; One; United; With no duplicate Boy
Aadvik (ആദ്വിക) Unique Boy
Aadyant (ആധ്യംത) Infinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end Boy
Aadyot (ആദ്യോത) Praise; Brilliant Boy
Aagam (ആഗമ) Coming; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom Boy
Aaghosh (ആഘോശ) Lapped Boy
Aagney (ആഗ്നേയ) Karna, the great warrior; One who is born from fire Boy
Aagneya (ആഗ്നേയ) Karna; the great warrior; One who is born from fire Boy
Aagniv (ആഗ്നിവ) Honest Person Boy
Aahaan (ആഹാന) Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself Boy
Aahan (ആഹാന) Dawn; Sunrise; Morning glory; First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself Boy
Aahi (ആംഹീം) Soul; Spirit Boy
Aahil (ആഹില) Prince Boy
Aahlaad (ആഹലാദ) Delight; Joy; Happy; Happiness Boy
Aahlad (ആഹലാദ) Delight; Joy; Happy; Happiness Boy
Aahnik (ആഹ്നീക) Prayer Boy
Aahva (ആഹവാ) Beloved Boy
Aahvan (ആഹ്വാന) An invitation call Boy
Aaish (ആഇശ) Delight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings Boy
Aakaar (ആകാര) Shape; Form Boy
Aakalp (ആകല്പ) Unlimited Boy
Aakampan (ആകാമ്പന) Unshaken; Calm; Determined Boy
Aakanksh (ആകാംക്ഷ) Hope; Desire Boy
Aakar (ആകാര) Shape; Form Boy
Aakarsh (ആകര്ഷ) Attractive Boy
Aakarshak (ആകര്ഷക) Attractive Boy
Aakarshan (ആകര്ഷണ) Attraction; Charm Boy
Aakash (ആകാശ) The Sky; Open mindedness Boy
Aakashi (ആകാശീ) The Sky; Universal; Atmosphere Boy
Aakesh (ആകേശ) Lord of the Sky Boy
Aakhyaan (ആഖ്യാന) Legend story of famous person Boy
Aakrit (ആകൃത) Shape Boy
Aakshaya (ആക്ഷയാ) Eternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati Boy
Aakurthi (ആകൂര്തി) Appearance Boy
Aalakshya (അലക്ഷ്യ) Visible Boy
Aalamb (ആലംബ) Sanctuary Boy
Aalap (ആലാപ) Musical prelude; Conversation Boy
Aalay (ആലയ) Home; Refuge Boy
Aalekh (ആലേഖ) Picture; Painting Boy
Aalhad (ആല്ഹാദ) Joy; Happiness Boy
Aalok (ആലോക) Light; Brilliance; Vision Boy
Aalop (ആലോപ) That which does not disappear Boy
Aaman (ആമാന) Peace; Friendly Disposition; Affection Boy
Aamish (ആമിഷ) Honest; Trustworthy; Pleasing Boy
Aamod (ആമോദ) Pleasure; Serenity; Fragrance Boy
Aamodh (ആമോധ) Pleasure; Serenity; Fragrance Boy
Aamodin (ആമോദീന) Happy; Sweet fragrant; Celebrated Boy
Aamogh (അമോഘ) Unerring; Lord Ganesha Boy
Aan (ആന) The Sun Boy
Aanal (അനല) Fire Boy
Aanand (ആനംദ) Joy; Happiness; Delight Boy
Aanandit (ആനംദിത) One who spreads joy; Joyous; Full of bliss; Happy; Pleased Boy
Aanandswarup (ആനംദസ്വരൂപ) Full of Joy Boy
Aananth (അനംത) Infinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless Boy
Aanantya (ആനംത്യാ) Endless; Eternal; Godly Boy
Aanav (ആനവ) Ocean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane Boy
Aanay (ആനയ) Consort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu Boy
Aandaleeb (അംദലീബ) Nightingale; The Bulbul bird Boy
Aangat (അംഗത) Colorful Boy
Aangi (ആംഗീ) Decorating the God; Divine Boy
Aanick (ആനീക) Anything extremely small Boy
Aanis (ആനിസ) Close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme Boy
Aaniya (അനിയാ) Lord Hanuman; Fulfilment Boy
Aanjaneya (ആംജനേയ) Lord Hanuman, Son of Anjana Boy
Aanjay (അംജയ) Unconquerable; Unbeatable Boy
Aansh (അംശ) Portion; Day Boy
Aanshal (അംശല) Strong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate Boy
Aantya (അന്ത്യ) Successful; Accomplished Boy
Aanush (ആനുഷ) Beautiful morning; Star; Following a desire Boy
Aapt (ആപ്ത) Reliable; Trustworthy; Successful; Logical Boy
Aapu (ആപൂ) Breath; Faultless; Virtuous; Divine Boy
Aar (ആര) Light bringer Boy
Aarabh (ആരഭ) Patience Boy
Aaradhak (ആരാധക) Worshipper Boy
Aaradhy (ആരാധ്യ) Worshipped Boy
Aaranay (ആരണ്യ) Beginning; Starter Boy
Aaranyan (ആരാന്യന) Jungle; Forest Boy
Aarav (ആരവ) Peaceful; Sound; Shout Boy
Aardhy (ആര്ധ്യ) A person who is worshiped Boy
Aarian (അരിഅന) Of the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent Boy
Aariket (ആരീകേത) Lord Ganesh; Against desire Boy
Aariketh (ആരീകേത) Lord Ganesh; Against desire Boy
Aarin (ആരിന) Full of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray Boy
Aarish (ആരീശ) First ray of Sun; Sky Boy
Aarit (ആരിത) One who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend Boy
Aariv (ആരീവ) King of wisdom Boy
Aarjav (ആര്ജവ) Honest; Sincere; One who is steadfast in happiness and sorrow Boy
Aarjith (ആര്ജിതഃ) Earning Boy
Aarksh (ആര്കശ) Of the stars; Celestial Boy
Aarnab (അര്നബ) Ocean Boy
Aarnav (ആര്നവ) Ocean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea Boy
Aarnav Tej (ആര്നവ തേജ) Ocean Boy
Aarnavi (ആരനവീ) Heart as big as ocean; Bird Boy
Aarochan (ആരോചന) Shining; Bright; Name of the Sun; Brilliant Boy
Aaroh (ആരോഹ) Up Boy
Aarohit (ആരോഹീത) Chatur (Clever) Boy
Aarpit (ആര്പിത) To donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated Boy
Aarsh (ആര്ഷ) Bright; Hero; Truthfulness; Dominion; Crown; Pure; Worshipped; Divine Boy
Aarshabh (ആര്ഷഭ) It's another name of Shri Krishna Boy
Aarshin (ആരശീന) Almighty's place; Pious Boy
Aarshvi (ആര്ശ്വീ) Name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Aarth (അര്ഥ) Meaningful; Meaning Boy
Aarthav (ആര്ഥവ) Meaningful Boy
Aarudh (ആരുദ്ധ) Ascended; Risen; Elevated Boy
Aaruksha (ആരുക്ഷാ) Finesse, Charm; Elegance Boy
Aarul (ആരുല) The grace of God; Blessing of God Boy
Aarunya (ആരണ്യാ) Merciful; Compassionate Boy
Aarush (ആരുഷ) First ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun Boy
Aarushf (ആരുഷ) Gift from God Boy
Aaryak (ആര്യക) Kind; Honourable; Noble; Wise Boy
Aaryaman (ആര്യമന) Noble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; Belonging to the Sun; The Sun; Friend Boy
Aaryamik (ആര്യമിക) Noble Boy
Aaryan (ആര്യന) Of the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent Boy
Aaryav (ആര്യവ) Noble person Boy
Aaryaveer (ആര്യവീര) Brave Man Boy
Aaryavir (ആര്യവീര) Brave Man Boy
Aaryesh (ആര്യേശ) The king of Arya Boy
Aaryik (ആര്യിക) Respected; Masterful Boy
Aasav (ആസവ) Liquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine Boy
Aash (ആശ) Expectation Boy
Aashang (ആശാംഗ) Loyal; Affectionate Boy
Aashank (ആശംക) Faith; Fearless; Without hesitation or doubt Boy
Aashay (ആശയ) Hawk-like Boy
Aashirvad (ആശീര്വാദ) Blessings Boy
Aashish (ആശീഷ) Blessings Boy
Aashlesh (ആശ്ലേഷ) Embrace Boy
Aashray (ആശ്രയ) Shelter Boy
Aashraynandan (ആശ്രയനംദന) Shelter person; A person who gives shelter to everybody Boy
Aashresh (ആശ്രേശ) Clever Boy
Aashrith (ആശ്രിത) Somebody who gives shelter; One who gives refuge to others; God of wealth; One who protects others; Rite of dependency; Trust on God; One who is dependent on God; Subramaniam Swami Boy
Aashrut (ആശ്രുത) Famous Boy
Aashu (ആശു) Active; Quick; Fast Boy
Aashuinat (അശുനത) quick-witted Boy
Aashutosh (ആശുതോഷ) One who fulfills wishes instantly; Content; Happy; Another name for Lord Shiva Boy
Aashvith (ആശ്വിത) Ocean Boy
Aasit (ആസിത) Black stone; Not white; Limitless; Dark; Calm; Self-possessed Boy
Aaslunan (ആസ്ലുംനന) Gem Boy
Aasthik (ആസ്ഥിക) Son of Arjun Boy
Aastik (ആസ്തിക) Who has faith in God; Believing in existence and God Boy
Aasvi (ആസ്വീ) Blessed and victorious; Little Mare Boy
Aatharva (ആഥര്വാ) The first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy
Aathav (ആഥവ) Lord Ganesha's one name Boy
Aathmiya (ആത്മീയ) Spiritual Boy
Aathrav (ആത്രവ) Auspicious; Lucky Boy
Aatmaj (ആത്മജ) Son; Born of the soul Boy
Aatman (ആത്മന) Soul; Another name for Krishna Boy
Aatmanand (ആത്മാനംദ) Blissful Boy
Aatmaram (ആത്മാരാമ) One who is Happy in his self Boy
Aatmay (ആത്മയ) Long-lived Boy
Aatrey (ആത്രേയ) An ancient name; Glorious; Able to cross the three worlds Boy
Aatreya (ആത്രേയ) Name of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory Boy
Aavansh (ആവംശ) Forthcoming generation Boy
Aaveg (ആവേഗ) Impulse Boy
Aavesh (ആവേശ) Lord of the universe, Lord Shiva Boy
Aavi (ആവീ) Smoke Boy
Aavish (ആവിഷ) Ocean; Holy incarnation Boy
Aayam (ആയാമ) Dimensions Boy
Aayan (ആയന) Someone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God Boy
Aayansh (ആയാംശ) The first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God Boy
Aayansh Sai (ആയംശ സാഈ) The first ray light of Lord Sai Boy
Aayod (ആയോദ) giver of life Boy
Aaysh (ആയഷ) Delight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings Boy
Aayu (ആയു) Span of life Boy
Aayudh (ആയുധ) Shastra (Epics) Boy
Aayus (ആയുസ) Age; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life Boy
Aayush (ആയുഷ) Age; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life Boy
Aayushman (ആയുഷ്മാന) Blessed with long life Boy
Abadhya (അബാധ്യാ) Full of power; Invincible Boy
Abbhinav (അബ്ഭിനാവ) New; Novel; Innovative Boy
Abbir (അബ്ബീര) Gulal (Auspicious red powder) Boy
Abdhi (അബ്ധീ) Sea Boy
Abhaidev (അഭയദേവ) Free of fear Boy
Abhaijeet (അഭിജീത) Victory over fear Boy
Abhas (ആഭാസ) Feeling; Virtual Boy
Abhav (അഭവ) Lord Shiva; Having the ability to be different Boy
Abhavya (അഭവ്യ) Improper; Fear-causing Boy
Abhay (അഭയ) Fearless Boy
Abhaya Prada (അഭയപ്രദാ) Bestower of safety; Another name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Abhayam (അഭയമ) Fearless Boy
Abhayan (അഭയാന) One of the Kauravas Boy
Abhayananda (അഭയാനംദാ) Delighting in fearless Boy
Abhayankar (അഭയംകര) Powerful and complete Boy
Abhayi (അഭായീ) Trustworthy Boy
Abheek (അഭീക഼) Fearless; Beloved Boy
Abheet (അഭിത) Jo kisi se na dare (One who fears nobody) Boy
Abhey (അഭേയ) Fearless Boy
Abhi (അഭീ) Fearless Boy
Abhibhava (അഭിഭവാ) Overpowering; Powerful; Victorious Boy
Abhicandra (അഭികംദരാ) With a Moon-like face; One of the seven Manus of the Svetambara Jain sect Boy
Abhichandra (അഭിചംദ്ര) Fearless Boy
Abhideep (അഭിദീപ) Illuminated Boy
Abhidharm (അഭിധര്മ) Highest Dharma Boy
Abhidi (അഭിദീ) Radiant Boy
Abhidnya (അഭിധന്യ) Goddess Boy
Abhigyaan (അഭിജ്ഞാന) Source of knowledge Boy
Abhihas (അഭിഹാസ) Inclined to smile Boy
Abhihita (അഭിഹീതാ) Expression; Word; Name Boy
Abhijan (അഭിജന) Pride of a family; Noble Boy
Abhijat (അഭിജാത) Noble; Wise; Faultless; Transparent Boy
Abhijath (അഭിജാത) Noble; Wise; Faultless; Transparent Boy
Abhijay (അഭിജയ) Victorious; Conquest; Complete victory Boy
Abhijaya (അഭിജയാ) Victorious; Conquest; Complete victory Boy
Abhijeet (അഭിജീത) Lord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Boy
Abhijit (അഭിജീത) Lord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Boy
Abhijith (അഭീജീഥ) Lord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Boy
Abhijun (അഭീജുന) Expert; Skilled Boy
Abhijvala (അഭിജ്വാലാ) Blazing forth Boy
Abhik (അഭിക) Fearless; Beloved Boy
Abhikam (അഭീകമ) Affectionate; Loving Boy
Abhikarsh (അഭീകര്ഷ) Boy
Abhilash (അഭിലാഷ) Desire; Affection Boy
Abhilesh (അഭിലേശ) Immortal; Unique Boy
Abhim (അഭിമ) Another name for Lord Vishnu; Destroyer of fear Boy
Abhimaan (അഭിമാന) Proud; Self-importance Boy
Abhiman (അഭിമാന) Proud; Self-importance Boy
Abhimand (അഭിമംദ) Gladdening Boy
Abhimani (അഭിമാനീ) Full of pride; Another name of Agni as the eldest son of Brahma Boy
Abhimanum (അഭീമാനുമ) Pride; Desire Boy
Abhimanyu (അഭിമന്യു) Self-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud Boy
Abhimanyusuta (അഭിമന്യുസുതാ) Son; Abhimanyu Boy
Abhimath (അഭിമത) Beloved Boy
Abhimoda (അഭിമോദാ) Joy; Delight Boy
Abhinabhas (അഭിനഭാസ) Renowned; Famous Boy
Abhinand (അഭിനന്ദ) Acknowledge Boy
Abhinanda (അഭിനംദാ) To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous Boy
Abhinandan (അഭിനന്ദന) To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous Boy
Abhinandana (അഭിനംദനാ) To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous Boy
Abhinash (അഭീനാശ) Actor Boy
Abhinatha (അഭിനാഥാ) Lord of desires; Another name of Kama Boy
Abhinav (അഭിനവ) Innovative; Young; Modern; Fresh; Novel; A Sakta notable for his great learning and spiritual attainment; New Boy
Abhinava (അഭിനവാ) Young; New; Novel; Innovative; Quite new; Fresh; Modern; A sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment Boy
Abhinavsri (അഭിനവശ്രീ) Helpful Boy
Abhinay (അഭിനയ) Expression Boy
Abhineet (അഭിനീത) Perfect; Acted Boy
Abhineeth (അഭിനിഥ) Serene, loving, forgiving Boy
Abhinesh (അഭിനേഷ) Actor Boy
Abhinit (അഭിനീത) Perfect; Acted Boy
Abhinivesh (അഭിനിവേശ) Desire Boy
Abhinu (അഭിനും) Brave Man Boy
Abhipuj (അഭിപൂജ) To adorn; Worship Boy
Abhir (അഭിര) A cowherd; Name of dynasty Boy
Abhiraam (അഭിരാമ) Lord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure; Wonderful Boy
Abhirag (അഭിരാഗ) A person with pure heart Boy
Abhiraj (അഭിരാജ) Fearless king; Regal; Bright Boy
Abhiral (അഭിരാല) Cowherd Boy
Abhiram (അഭിരാമ) Lord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure; Wonderful Boy
Abhirath (അഭിരാത) Great charioteer Boy
Abhirup (അഭിരൂപ) Handsome; Pleasant; Pleasing Boy
Abhisar (അഭിസാര) Companion Boy
Abhisek (അഭിഷേക) Ritual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol; Anoint; Bathing to God Boy
Abhisheik (ആഭിശേഇക) Ritual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol; Anoint; Bathing to God Boy
Abhishek (അഭിഷേക) Ritual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol; Anoint; Bathing to God Boy
Abhishrey (അഭിശ്രേയ) Abhishrey the credit of good deed; The dawn of the good Boy
Abhisoka (അഭിസോകാ) Passionate; Loving Boy
Abhisumat (അഭിസുമത) Radiant; Another name of the Sun; Mane of Lord Sun Boy
Abhisumath (അഭിസുമത) Radiant; Another name of the Sun; Mane of Lord Sun Boy
Abhisyanta (അഭിസ്യനതാ) Splendid Boy
Abhith (അഭിത) Everywhere Boy
Abhitosh (അഭിതോഷ) Boy
Abhivadan (അഭിവാദന) Greeting Boy
Abhivanth (അഭിവംത) Royal salute Boy
Abhivira (അഭിവീരാ) Surrounded by heroes; A commander Boy
Abhiyansh (അഭിയാംശ) Urge to Understand Boy
Abhjeet (അഭജീത) One who is victorious Boy
Abhra (അഭരാ) Cloud Boy
Abhrakasin (അഭ്രകാസിന) With clouds for shelter; An ascetic Boy
Abhram (അഭരാമ) Steady; Purposeful Boy
Abhranila (അഭ്രനീലാ) Lord Basudev Boy
Abhu (അഭു) Unborn; Nonexistent; UnEarthly; Another name for Vishnu Boy
Abhya (അഭയ) Towards the fire Boy
Abhyagni (അഭ്യാഗ്നി) Towards the fire; A son of Aitasa Boy
Abhyan (അഭയന) The literal meaning of ‘abhyan’ is to start a movement; A campaign or a firm resolution of an idea or belief Boy
Abhyank (അഭ്യംക) Name of God Boy
Abhyansh (ആഭയംശ) Fearless Boy
Abhypsit (അഭീപ്സിത) Desired Boy
Abhyuday (അഭ്യുദയ) Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity Boy
Abhyudaya (അഭ്യുദയാ) Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity Boy
Abhyudev (അഭ്യുദേവ) The Sun Boy
Abhyudita (അഭ്യുദിതാ) Elevated; Risen; Prosperous Boy
Abhyukt (അഭിയുക്ത) Lord Krishna Boy
Abhyukta (അഭയുക്ത) Lord Krishna Boy
Abibhava (അബിഭവാ) Boy
Abiheshan (അബിഹേശന) Boy
Abijit (അഭിജീത) Invincible Boy
Abilash (അഭിലാഷ) Faithful Boy
Abilesh (അഭിലേഷ) Admirable; Lovable Boy
Abimanyu (അഭിമന്യു) Self-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud Boy
Abinaash (അബിനാശ) Eternal; Immortal, Who has no death Boy
Abinash (അബിനാശ) Eternal; Immortal, Who has no death Boy
Abinav (അഭിനവ) Innovative; New Boy
Abinay (അഭിനയ) Lord Shiva; Histrionic representation Boy
Abinesh (അബിനേഷ) Eternal; Immortal, Who has no death Boy
Abinish (അബിനീശ) Hope Boy
Abiram (അബീരാമ) My father is exalted Boy
Abiseshan (അബിസേശന) Boy
Abish (അബിശ) Boy
Abishai (അബിഷൈ) My father is a gift Boy
Abishek (അബിഷേക) Ritual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol; Anoint; Bathing to God Boy
Abivanth (അബീവംത) Royal salute Boy
Abjayoni (അബ്ജായോനി) Born of the Lotus, Another name of Lord Brahma Boy
Abjit (അബ്ജിത) Victorious; Conquering water Boy
Abrik (അബ്രിക) Precious like God Boy
Acalapati (അകലപതി) Lord of the immovable; Lord of mountain Boy
Acalendra (അകലേന്ദ്ര) Lord of the immovable; The Himalayas Boy
Acalesvara (അകലേശ്വരാ) God of the immovable; Another name of Lord Shiva Boy
Acanda (അകാംദാ) Not of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle Boy
Acaryanandana (അകാര്യാനംദനാ) Son of the teacher; Another name of Asvatthaman Boy
Acaryasuta (അകാര്യസുതാ) Son of the teacher; Another name of Asvatthaman Boy
Acaryatanaya (അകാര്യതാനായാ) Son of the teacher; Another name for Aswatthama Boy
Acchindra (അഛിന്ദ്രാ) Flawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect Boy
Acchutan (അച്ചുതന) Lord Vishnu, The one who is without the six transformations, Beginning with the birth Boy
Achal (അചല) Constant Boy
Achalendra (അചലേംദ്ര) The himalayas Boy
Achalesvara (അചലേശ്വരാ) God of the immovable; Another name for Lord Shiva Boy
Achalraj (അചലരാജ) Himalayan mountain Boy
Achanda (അചംദാ) Not of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle Boy
Achapal (അചപല) Determination Boy
Acharya (ആചാര്യ) A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher Boy
Acharyasuta (ആചാര്യസുതാ) Son of the teacher; Another name for Aswatthama Boy
Achindra (അചിന്ദ്രാ) Flawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect Boy
Achint (അചിംത) Care free Boy
Achintya (അചിംത്യാ) Beyond comprehension Boy
Achit (അചിത) Separation of newborns hair Boy
Achmani (അചമനീ) Boy
Achutam (അചുതമ) Development Boy
Achyut (അച്യുത) Imperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible Boy
Achyut Pragna (അച്യുത പ്രജ്ഞാ) Lord Vishnu and Lord Hanuman Boy
Achyuta (അച്യുതാ) Imperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible Boy
Achyuth (അച്യുത) Lord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable Boy
Achyutha (അച്യുതാ) Lord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable Boy
Achyuthan (അച്യുതാന) Indestructible Boy
Acintya (അചിംത്യ) Surpassing thought; Incogitable Boy
Acyutaraya (അച്യുതരായാ) Worshipper of the infallible; A devotee of Lord Vishnu Boy
Adalarasu (അദാലരാസു) King of dance Boy
Adarsh (ആദര്ശ) Ideal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence Boy
Adbhutah (അദഭുതഃ) Wonderful God Boy
Adedev (അദേദേവ) The Lord of the Lords Boy
Adeep (അദീപ) The light of Lord Vishnu Boy
Adenya (അദേന്യ) First Boy
Adesh (ആദേശ) Command; Message; Counsel Boy
Adeshwar (ആദേശ്വര) God Boy
Adharsh (അധര്ഷ) Ideal; The Sun Boy
Adharv (അധര്വ) Lord Ganesha, First Veda Boy
Adhavan (അധാവന) The Sun Boy
Adhbudha (അധബുധ) Rare Boy
Adheer (അധീര) Restless; Lord Chandra or Moon Boy
Adheesh (അധീശ) King; Hindu God; God worshipped by Gods themselves Boy
Adhi (ആധീ) Adornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant; Ornament; Unequalled; First Boy
Adhik (അധിക) Greater Boy
Adhikara (അധികാരാ) Principal; Controller Boy
Adhil (അഘീല) Honerable juduge; Justice Boy
Adhinath (അധിനാഥ) The first Lord; Lord Vishnu Boy
Adhinav (അധീനവ) Intelligent; Innovative Boy
Adhip (അധിപ) King; Ruler Boy
Adhipa (അധിപാ) King; Ruler Boy
Adhir (അധീര) Restless; Lord Chandra or Moon Boy
Adhiraj (അധിരാജ) King Boy
Adhiratha (അധീരതാ) Charioteer Boy
Adhish (അധീശ) King; Hindu God; God worshipped by Gods themselves Boy
Adhit (അധിത) From the beginning Boy
Adhita (അധിതാ) A scholar Boy
Adhithya (ആദിത്യ) Newly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun Boy
Adhitya (ആദിത്യ) Newly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun Boy
Adhivesh (അധിവേശ) God's creation Boy
Adhrit (അധ്രിത) Who does not need support but supports every one; Lord Vishnu; Independent; Supportive Boy
Adhrith (ആധരിത) Who does not need support but supports every one; Lord Vishnu; Independent; Supportive Boy
Adhvait (അദ്വൈത) Unique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality Boy
Adhvaita (അധ്വയതാ) Union of matter and soul; Non duality; Unique Boy
Adhvay (അധ്വയ) Unique; Original Boy
Adhvedh (ആദ്യവേധ) Inner strength Boy
Adhvesh (അധവേശ) Traveler; A journey; Sky; Air Boy
Adhvik (അധ്വിക) Unique Boy
Adhyan (അധ്യന) One who is Rising; Coming Up Boy
Adhyann (അധ്യനന) Curriculum Boy
Adhyayan (അധ്യയന) Education Boy
Adhyuth (അധ്യുത) Is associated with Lord Ayyappa Boy
Adi (ആദി) Adornment, Beginning, Perfect, Most significant, Ornament, Unequalled, First Boy
Adidesh (ആദിദേശ) Boy
Adidev (ആദിദേവ) The Lord of the Lords; The first God Boy
Adikavi (ആദികവി) First poet Boy
Adikesh (ആദികേശ) Lord Shiva Boy
Adikrit (അദികൃത) God's Creativity Boy
Adikya (അദീക്യാ) Authority; Showing upper hand Boy
Adiman (ആദിമാന) Destroyer Boy
Adinath (ആദിനാഥ) The first Lord; Lord Vishnu Boy
Adipurush (ആദിപുരുഷ) Primordial being Boy
Adipurusha (ആദിപുരുഷ) Primordial being Boy
Adiraj (അദിരാജ) One who has No Limits Boy
Adisai (ആദീസാഈ) Incarnation of lord Sai Boy
Adisesh (ആദിശേഷ) Lord Vishnu; The divine serpent Boy
Adish (ആദിശ) Fire Boy
Adisheshu (അദിശേഷു) Boy
Adit (അദിത) From the beginning Boy
Aditeya (അദിതീയ) The Sun Boy
Adith (അദിത) From the beginning Boy
Adithiya (ആദിതിയ) Newly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun Boy
Adithya (ആദിത്യാ) Lord of the Sun; The Sun; Sun God Boy
Aditiya (ആദിത്യാ) Newly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun Boy
Aditraj (അദിതരാജ) King Boy
Aditya (ആദിത്യ) Newly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun Boy
Adityakiran (അദിത്യകിരണ) Sunrays Boy
Adityanandana (അദിത്യാനംദനാ) Son of The Sun Boy
Adityansu (അദിത്യാംശു) Boy
Adityavardhana (അദിത്യവര്ധനാ) Augmented by glory Boy
Adityesh (അദിത്യേശ) Boy
Adiv (അദീവ) Pleasant; Gentle Boy
Adiya (ആദിയാ) Jewel; Treasure of God Boy
Adlin (അദ്ലീന) God Boy
Adotka (അദോത്കാ) Strength and wisdom Boy
Adrav (അദ്രവ) Dispeller of all distresses Boy
Adrik (അദ്രിക) Awesome Boy
Adripathi (അദ്രീപതി) Master of the mountains Boy
Adrish (അദ്രീശ) Infinite visionary Boy
Adrit (അദ്രിത) Beloved Boy
Adritya (അദ്രീത്യാ) The Sun Boy
Adriyan (അദ്രിയന) Black of Adriatic Boy
Adrush (അദൃശ) Like the rising; The Sun Boy
Adrutha (ആദ്രഥ) Kind hearted Boy
Adtiya (അദീതീയ) Lord Surya Boy
Advait (അദ്വേത) Unique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality Boy
Advaith (അദ്വൈത) Unique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality Boy
Advay (അദ്വയ) Unique; One; United; With no duplicate Boy
Advaya (അദ്വായാ) Unique; One; United; With no duplicate Boy
Advek (അദ്വേക) Fashionista Boy
Advik (അദ്വിക) Unique Boy
Advit (അദ്വിത) Unique; Focused Boy
Adviteeya (അദ്വിതീയ) Unique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end Boy
Advith (അദ്വിത) Unique; Focused Boy
Advitya (അദ്വിത്യാ) Unique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end Boy
Adwaid (അദ്വൈദ) An old Puran, like Ramayana, Bhagwat Gita Boy
Adwait (അദ്വേത) Unique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality Boy
Adwaita (അദ്വൈതാ) Non-duality; One without a second Boy
Adwaith (അദ്വൈത) Unique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality Boy
Adway (അദവയ) One; United; Unique Boy
Adwaya (അദവായാ) One; United; Unique Boy
Adwik (അദ്വിക) Unique Boy
Adwit (അദ്വിത) Vishnu; Unique Boy
Adyant (ആദ്യംത) Infinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end Boy
Aekansh (ഏകാംശ) Unique Boy
Aeshan (ഐശാന) In God's grace Boy
Aeyush (ഐയുഷ) Long lived Boy
Agam (അഗമ) Coming; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom Boy
Agamiya (അഗമീയാ) The karma we perform in this birth Boy
Aganit (അഗനീത) Name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Agarv (അഗരവ) Balanced; Not arrogant Boy
Agarvin (അഗര്വീന) Successful Man Boy
Agasthya (അഗസ്ത്യാ) Name of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain Boy
Agasti (അഗസ്തീ) Name of a sage Boy
Agastya (അഗസ്തയാ) Name of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain Boy
Agendra (അഗേന്ദ്ര) King of mountains Boy
Aghanaya (ആഘ്നായ) Incarnation of lord Boy
Agharna (അഘരനാ) The Moon Boy
Aghartha (അഘാര്ഥാ) Supernatural Boy
Aghat (ആഘാത) Destroyer of sin Boy
Aghornath (അഘോരനാഥ) Lord Shiva, The Lord of the Aghoris Boy
Aghosh (അഘോഷ) Quiet; Soundless Boy
Agilan (അഗീലന) A man who commands everything Boy
Agilis (ആഗിലിസ) Nimble; Rapid; Active Boy
Agneya (അഗ്നേയാ) Son of Agni Boy
Agni (അഗ്നി) Towards the fire Boy
Agnibahu (അഗ്നീബാഹു) Son of first Manu Boy
Agnihotra (അഗ്നിഹോത്ര) The sacrifice offered to Agni Boy
Agnikumara (അഗ്നികുമാരാ) Son of Agni Boy
Agnimitra (അഗ്നിമിത്ര) Friend of fire Boy
Agniprava (അഗ്നീപ്രവാ) Bright as the fire Boy
Agniras (അഗ്നീരസ) One of the Saptarshi Boy
Agnit (അഗ്നിത) Lord Vishnu Boy
Agniv (അഗ്നിവ) Bright as light Boy
Agnivesh (അഗ്നിവേശ) Bright as the fire Boy
Agnivo (അഗ്നീവോ) Flame of the fire Boy
Agraj (അഗ്രജ) Leader; Senior; First born Boy
Agrim (അഗ്രിമ) Leader; First Boy
Agriya (അഗ്രിയാ) First best Boy
Agustya (അഗസ്തയാ) A name of a Hindu saint Boy
Agyeya (അജ്ഞേയ) Unknown Boy
Ahaan (അഹാന) Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself Boy
Ahalyashapashamana (അഹല്യാശാപശാമാംനാ) Remitter of Ahalya's curse Boy
Ahan (അഹന) Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself Boy
Ahankar (അഹംകാര) Surya, One who causes day, The Sun; Gurmukhi; Pride; Ego Boy
Ahar (അഹര) Activity; Defender; Protector Boy
Aharshi (അഹര്ശീ) The Sun; King of the day Boy
Aharsi (അഹര്സീ) The Sun; King of the day Boy
Ahem (അഹേമ) Special Boy
Ahijit (അഹിജിത) Conqueror of the serpent Boy
Ahil (അഹില) Prince Boy
Ahilan (ആഹിലന) Knowledgeable; Commanding Boy
Ahim (അഹീന) Cloud; Water; Traveller Boy
Ahin (അഹീം) Whole; Complete; Snake Boy
Ahir (അഹീര) Last; The devotee and God are one Boy
Ahlad (അഹലാദ) Delight; Joy; Happy; Happiness Boy
Ahnay (അഹനയ) As bright as the Sun Boy
Ahruran (അഹരുരണ) Lord Shiva; The name of the God Shiva from the place Thiruvarur Boy
Ahsaas (അഹേസാസ) Feeling Boy
Ahsinav (അഹസിനാവ) King of the universe Boy
Ahti (അഹ്തീ) Myth name of a God of magic Boy
Aiden (ഐദേന) Powerful Boy
Aifa (ഐഫാ) Smart Boy
Ail (ഐല) From the stony place; Originating from the intellect Boy
Ainesh (ആഇനേശ) The Sun's glory; Sunshine Boy
Ainitosh (ഐനീതോശ) Happy Boy
Airavath (ഐരാവത) White elephant of Lord Indra Boy
Airawat (ഐരാവത) The celestial white Elephant Boy
Airish (ആയരിശ) Pleasant nature Boy
Aiyappa (ഐയപ്പാ) Lord Ayyappa Boy
Aiyyapa (ഐയ്യാപാ) Lord Ayyappa; Son of Lord Shiva and Hari (Mohini) Boy
Ajah (അജഹ) Unborn Boy
Ajahni (അജാഹനീ) He who wins the struggle in African speaking countries. In Hindi speaking countries means of noble birth. Used most for a boy in Africa. Can be used in the feminine in Sanskrit Boy
Ajai (അജാഈ) Success; Unconquerable; Invincible Boy
Ajairaj (അജയരാജ) Undefeated king Boy
Ajanma (അജന്മാ) One who is limitless and endless Boy
Ajat (അജാത) Unborn Boy
Ajatashatru (അജാതശത്രു) A name of Lord Vishnu; Without enemies Boy
Ajathasathru (അജാതാശത്രു) A person who has no enemies Boy
Ajatshatru (അജാതശത്രു) Who has no enemies Boy
Ajay (അജയ) Success; Unconquerable; Invincible Boy
Ajayan (അജായന) Winner Boy
Ajdha (അജധാ) Prosperity Boy
Ajeenkya (അജീന്ക്യാ) Supreme; One who cannot be defeated; Invincible Boy
Ajeesh (അജിശ) Lord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone Boy
Ajeet (അജിത) Successful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet) Boy
Ajendra (അജേന്ദ്ര) King of mountains Boy
Ajesh (അജേശ) Lord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone Boy
Ajinkya (അജിംക്യ) Supreme; One who cannot be defeated; Invincible Boy
Ajish (അജീശ) Lord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone Boy
Ajit (അജിത) Successful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet) Boy
Ajit Kumar (അജീത കുമാര) Always win Boy
Ajitabh (അജീതാഭ) One who has conquered the Sky; Victor Boy
Ajitesh (അജ഼ിതേശ) Lord Vishnu; Lord of the unconquerable Boy
Ajith (അജീത) Successful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet) Boy
Ajithabh (അജീതാബ) One who has conquered the Sky; Victor Boy
Ajithesh (അജീതേശ) Lord Vishnu; Lord of the unconquerable Boy
Ajjitesh (അജീതേശ) Lord Vishnu Boy
Ajneesh (അജനീശ) The Sun's glory; Sunshine Boy
Ajoy (അജോയ) Joyful Boy
Ajus (അജുസ) Boy
Akaar (ആകാര) Shape Boy
Akalin (അകലിന) Pure Boy
Akalmash (അകാലമശ) Stainless Boy
Akalpa (അകല്പാ) Ornament Boy
Akam (അകമ) The end; Result; The consequences Boy
Akand (അകംദ) Calm Boy
Akane (അകാനേ) Someone you cannot stop loving Boy
Akansh (അകാംശ) Desire; Wish Boy
Akanshit (അകാംക്ഷിത) One who is desired Boy
Akarsh (ആകര്ഷ) Attractive Boy
Akarsh Shubhan (ആകര്ഷ ശുഭാന) Attractive Boy
Akash (ആകാശ) The Sky; Open-mindedness Boy
Akashaj (ആകാശജ) Treasure; Sensitive; Hope Boy
Akashat (ആകാശത) worship Boy
Akashdeep (ആകാശദീപ) Illuminated heavenly realm; Star in the sky Boy
Akashika (അകശീകാ) Expressivity; Desire; Perfectionism Boy
Akbal (അകബല) Highly sensitive; Idealistic; intuitive Boy
Akendra (അകേന്ദ്ര) Name of a God Boy
Akhalesh (അഖലേശ) Name of Shankar jee Boy
Akhand (അഖംഡ) Unbroken Boy
Akharsh (അഖര്ഷ) Attract Boy
Akhil (അഖില) Complete Boy
Akhilash (അഖിലേശ) King of all (Lord Shiva) Boy
Akhilesh (അഖിലേശ) Indestructible; Immortal Boy
Akhileshwar (അഖീലേശ്വര) Supreme being Boy
Akhileswar (അഖീലേസ്വര) Supreme being Boy
Akhiransh (അഖീരാംശ) Eye; Aparajit or another name of Rama Boy
Akhsaj (അഖ്സാജ) Lord Vishnu; A diamond; A thunderbolt; A name of Vishnu Boy
Akhurath (അഖുരഥ) One who has a mouse as his charioteer Boy
Akhyath (അഖ്യാത) Famous Boy
Akil (അകീല) Wise; Intelligent; Thoughtful; Sensible Boy
Akilan (അകീലന) Intelligent; Logical Boy
Akilesh (അകിലേശ) Indestructible; Immortal Boy
Akileshcharan (അകിലേശ്ചരണ) Chaste; Virtuous Boy
Akith (അകിത) Boy
Akkamma (അക്കമ്മാ) Goddess name Boy
Akkrum (അക്ക്രുമ) Lord Buddha Boy
Akrash (അക്രാശ) Attractive Boy
Akrish (അക്രീശ) Young Krishna Boy
Akrit (അക്രിത) Helping others Boy
Akruti (ആകൃതി) Nature or beautiful; Figure Boy
Aksh (അക്ഷ) Divider Boy
Akshad (അക്ഷദ) Blessing Boy
Akshagna (അക്ഷാഗനാ) Lord Murugan Boy
Akshahantre (അക്ഷഹന്ത്രേ) Slayer of Aksha Boy
Akshaj (അക്ശാജ) Lord Vishnu; A diamond; A thunderbolt; A name of Vishnu Boy
Akshan (അക്ഷണ) Eye Boy
Akshansh (അക്ഷാംശ) Universe Boy
Akshant (അക്ഷംത) The meaning of Akshant is the person who always wants to win Boy
Akshar (അക്ഷര) Imperishable Boy
Akshat (അക്ഷത) One who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible Boy
Akshath (അക്ഷഥ) One who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible Boy
Akshay (അക്ഷയ) Eternal; Immortal; Indestructible Boy
Akshay Keerti (അക്ഷയ കിര്തീ) Eternal fame Boy
Akshaya (അക്ഷയ) Eternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati Boy
Akshaya Guna (അക്ഷയാഗുനാ) Of limitless attributes; A name of Lord Shiva Boy
Akshayaguna (അക്ഷയഗുണാ) Of limitless attributes; A name of Lord Shiva Boy
Akshayah (അക്ഷയാഹ) Everlasting Boy
Akshayakeerti (അക്ഷയാകിര്തീ) Eternal fame Boy
Akshey (അക്ഷേയ) Forever Boy
Akshit (അക്ഷിത) Permanent; Can not be broken easily; Secure; Saved; Guarded Boy
Akshith (അക്ഷിത) Permanent; Can not be broken easily; Secure; Saved; Guarded Boy
Akshobhya (അക്ഷോഭ്യ) Lord Vishnu; Immovable one Boy
Akshraj (അക്ഷരാജ) The King of World Boy
Akshu (അക്ഷു) Eye Boy
Akshun (അക്ഷുണ) A significant particle Boy
Akshyat (അക്ശ്യത) Unharmed; Uninjured Boy
Akul (അകൂല) A name of Lord Shiva Boy
Alaap (ആലാപ) Musical prelude; Conversation Boy
Alabhya (അലഭ്യ) Unique; Difficult to acquire Boy
Alagan (അലഗന) Handsome Boy
Alagarasu (അലഗരാസൂ) Handsome king; King of beauty Boy
Alagiri (അലഗീരീ) Alagar Swami Boy
Alakhya (അലാഖ്യാ) Boy
Alakshendra (അലക്ഷേന്ദ്ര) Defender of humanity; Sanskrit for Alexander Boy
Alampata (അലാമപതാ) Ever eternal Lord Boy
Alankar (അലംകാര) Gold; Ornament Boy
Alankrit (അലംകൃത) Decorated Boy
Alarka (അലാര്കാ) White lotus Boy
Alek (അലേക) Defender of humanity Boy
Alekhya Nitya (ആലേഖ്യാ നിത്യ) Constant picture; A painting Boy
Alekya (ആലേഖ്യ) In Indian origin it means which cannot be written in general; It means a beautiful painting Boy
Alhad (അല്ഹദ) Joy; Happiness Boy
Alin (അലീന) Noble Boy
Alipta (അലിപ്താ) Different from all; Devoted Boy
Alivia (അലിവിയാ) Bleach Boy
Alkansh (അല്കംശ) Boy
Aloji (അലോജീ) Honey Boy
Alok (ആലോക) Light; Brilliance; Vision Boy
Aloke (അലോകേ) Light; Brilliance; Vision Boy
Aloki (അലോകീ) Brightness Boy
Alolupan (അലോലുപന) One of the Kauravas Boy
Alop (അലോപ) That which does not disappear Boy
Alpesh (അല്പേശ) Tiny; Another name for Krishna Boy
Alpha (അല്ഫാ) The first letter of the Greek alphabet Boy
Alpit (അല്പിത) Different from all; Devoted Boy
Amaay (അമായ) Lord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning Boy
Amad (അമാദ) Praiseworthy; Love of God; Somber Boy
Amadhya (അമാധ്യ) Affectionate; Kind Boy
Amain (അമൈന) Modest Boy
Amalendu (അമലേംദു) The unblemished Moon Boy
Amalesh (അമലേശ) The pure one Boy
Aman (അമന) Peace Boy
Amanat (അമാനത) Treasure; Security; Deposit Boy
Amanath (അമാനത) Treasure; Security; Deposit Boy
Amandeep (അമനദീപ) Sharp witted; Light; Lamp of peace; Lamp of tranquility Boy
Amaneesh (അമനീഷ) God of peace Boy
Amapramaadhy (അമാപ്രമാധ്യ) One of the Kauravas Boy
Amar (അമര) Immortal; Forever; Divine Boy
Amardeep (അമരദീപ) Eternal light Boy
Amarender (അമരേംദര) Combination of Amar immortal and Indra king Boy
Amarendra (അമരേന്ദ്ര) This name has a Sanskrit origin and is a combination of Amar immortal and Lord Indra King of Gods, combined, it means, King of the Immortals Boy
Amaresh (അമരേശ) Name of Lord Indra Boy
Amaris (അമരിസ) Child of the Moon Boy
Amarnath (അമരനാഥ) Immortal God Boy
Amartya (ആമര്ത്യ) Immortal; Amber of the Sky; Eternal; Divine Boy
Amathya (അമഥ്യാ) Powerful Boy
Amav (അമാവ) Reincarnation of Lord Rama; Powerful; Undefeated Boy
Amay (അമയ) Lord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning Boy
Ambadi (അംബാഡീ) A place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood Boy
Ambak (അമബക) Eye Boy
Ambar (അംബര) Sky Boy
Ambareesh (അമ്ബരീഷ) King of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky Boy
Ambarish (അമ്ബരീശ) King of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky Boy
Ambav (അംബാവ) Water like Boy
Ambe (അംബേ) Enrich Boy
Amber (അമ്ബേര) The unbeatable; Sky Boy
Amberish (അമ്ബേരീശ) King of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky Boy
Ambesh (അമ്ബേശ) Seven reflections Boy
Ambhoj (അമ്ഭോജ) Day Lotus; Water born; Lotus Boy
Ambikanath (അംബികാനാഥ) Lord Shiva, Consort of Ambika Boy
Ambikapathi (അമ്ബികാപഥീ) Lord Shiva, Consort of Ambika Boy
Ambikeya (അമ്ബീകേയ) Of Ambika; Mountain; Lord Ganesha Boy
Ambili (അമ്ബിലീ) The Moon Boy
Ambu (അംബൂ) Water Boy
Ambud (അമ്ബുദ) Cloud Boy
Ambuj (അംബുജ) Lotus; Water born; Indra's thunderbolt Boy
Ambujakshan (അമ്ബുജക്ഷണ) Lotus eyed Boy
Ambunath (അമ്ബുനാഥ) Ocean Boy
Ameet (അമീത) Infinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless Boy
Amet (അമിത) Infinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless Boy
Amey (അമേയ) Lord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning Boy
Ameya (അമേയാ) Boundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure Boy
Ameyaatmaa (അമേയാത്മാ) Manifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu Boy
Ameyatma (അമേയാത്മാ) Manifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu Boy
Amileigh (അമിലിഗ) The bringer of hope; Smiles; God's gift Boy
Amirdan (അമീര്ദന) Boy
Amish (അമീശ) Honest; Trustworthy; Pleasing Boy
Amit (അമിത) Infinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless Boy
Amitab (അമിതാബ) Limitless luster; Name of Lord Buddha; One who is having endless splendor Boy
Amitabh (അമിതാഭ) One with boundless splendor; Incomparable; Glorious Boy
Amitansh (അമീതംശ) Limitless; Endless Boy
Amitav (അമീതവ) Limitless luster; Name of Lord Buddha; One who is having endless splendor Boy
Amitava (അമിതവാ) One with boundless splendor; Incomparable; Glorious Boy
Amitay (അമീതായ) Truth; Infinite Boy
Amitbikram (അമിതബിക്രമ) Limitless prowess Boy
Amitesh (അമിതേശ) Infinite God; Master of the infinite Boy
Amith (അമിത) Infinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless Boy
Amitrasudan (അമിത്രസുദന) Destroyer of enemies Boy
Amiy (അമിയ) Amrut (Nectar) Boy
Amlan (അമ്ലാന) Unfading; Ever bright; Brilliant; Fresh; Clear Boy
Amlankusum (അമ്ലാനകുസുമ) Unfading flower Boy
Amod (അമോദ) Pleasure Boy
Amogh (അമോഘ) Unerring; Lord Ganesha Boy
Amoghah (അമോഘാഹ) Ever useful; Magnificent Boy
Amoghraj (അമോഘ്രാജ) Great; The name of a Hindu God in India Boy
Amoha (അമോഹാ) Clear; Straight Boy
Amol (അമോല) Priceless; Precious; Valuable Boy
Amolak (അമോലക) Priceless Boy
Amolik (അമോലീക) Priceless Boy
Amoorta (അമൂര്ത) Formless Boy
Amprithan (അമ്പ്രീതന) Boy
Amreesh (അമ്രിശ) Lord Indra Boy
Amresh (അമരേശ) Lord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky Boy
Amrik (അമരിക) Celestial God; Nectar Boy
Amrish (അമരീശ) Lord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky Boy
Amrit (അമൃത) Nectar Boy
Amritambu (അമ്രിതാമ്ബൂ) The Moon Boy
Amritaya (അമ്രിതായാ) The immortal; Lord Vishnu Boy
Amrith (അമൃത) Nectar Boy
Amrithash (അമൃതേശ) Lord Shiva; God of nectar; Godly being; Name of Shiva Boy
Amrut (അമൃത) Nectar Boy
Amruth (അമൃത) Nectar Boy
Amrutheswar (അമൃതേസ്വര) Name of Lord Shiva Boy
Amshu (അമ്ശു) Atom Boy
Amshul (അമ്ശുല) Bright Boy
Amshuman (അംശുമാന) The Sun Boy
Amuda (അമുദാ) A liquid which when consumed makes the person live life -long without a death, also means purity Boy
Amuk (അമുക) Some; One; Another Boy
Amul (അമുല) Priceless; Precious; Valuable Boy
Amuthan (അമുതന) Amuthan is derived from the word amrutham, This means the purity, It is the precious one Boy
Anaadhrushya (അനാദൃശ്യ) One of the Kauravas Boy
Anaadi (അനാദീ) Lord Krishna; Who does not have any end; Without beginning; Eternal; Godly; Another name for Shiva Boy
Anaadih (അനാദിഃ) One who is the first cause Boy
Anadh (അനധ) Arjun Boy
Anadhi (അനാദി) Lord Krishna; Who does not have any end; Without beginning Boy
Anadi (അനാദി) Lord Krishna; Who does not have any end; Without beginning; Eternal; Godly; Another name for Shiva Boy
Anagh (അനഘ) Sinless; Perfect; Pure Boy
Anahath (അനാഹത) Limitless; Infinite; Unbeaten Boy
Anak (അനക) Ornament; Strong; Cloud Boy
Anakh (അനാഖ) The Moon Boy
Anakul (അനുകുള) Calm Boy
Anamay (അനാമയ) Without miseries Boy
Anamaya (അനാമയാ) Another name of Lord Shiva Boy
Anami (അനാമീ) A name of Lord Buddha Boy
Anamitra (അനാമിത്രാ) Lord Surya the Sun) Boy
Ananay (അനന്യ) Lord Sri Krishna has used Ananay word in Gita in association with focused worship Ananay Bhakti Boy
Anand (ആനംദ) Joy; Happiness; Delight Boy
Anandamay (ആനംദമയ) One with full of happiness Boy
Anandan (ആനംദന) Happy boy; One who brings happiness; Boy
Anandhu (അനാംധു) Snake of Lord Vishnu Boy
Anandsagar (ആനംദസാഗര) Compassionate Lord Boy
Anang (അനംഗ) Name of Cupid God, Kamdev Boy
Ananga (അനംഗാ) Name of Cupid, Kamadeva Boy
Ananinay (അനനിനയ) Indestructible; Another name for Lord Vishnu; Healthy Boy
Ananmay (ആനംമയ) One who cannot be broken Boy
Ananmaya (അനാന്മായാ) One who cannot be broken Boy
Anant (അനംത) Infinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless Boy
Anantachidrupamayam (അനംതാചിദ്രൂപമായാമ) Infinite and consciousness personified Boy
Anantadrishti (അനംതദൃഷ്ടി) Of infinite vision Boy
Anantaguna (അനംതഗുനാ) Full of virtues Boy
Anantajeet (അനംതജീത) The victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord Boy
Anantajit (അനംതജീത) The victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord Boy
Ananth (അനംത) Infinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless Boy
Ananthan (അനംഥന) Name of Lord Murugan Boy
Anantharam (അനംഥരാമ) Diligent Boy
Ananthu (അനംതു) Unlimited Boy
Anantim (അനംതിമ) Tone continued; Not final Boy
Anantram (അനംതരാമ) Eternal God Boy
Anany (അനന്യ) Matchless Boy
Ananye (അനന്യ) The most honorable Ananye Guru Shri Boy
Ananyo (അനന്യോ) Sole; Peerless Boy
Ananyog (അന്യായോഗ) Idiosyncratic Boy
Anarva (അനാരവാ) Sea Boy
Anash (അനശ) Undivided; Indestructible; The Sky; Brahman or the supreme spirit Boy
Anashay (അനാശയ) Selfless; Without any self interest; Unselfish Boy
Anashin (അനശിന) Indestructible; Eternal Boy
Anashwar (അനശ്വര) The one who never gets destroyed Boy
Anashya (അനാശ്യ) Indestructible; Eternal Boy
Anav (അനവ) Ocean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane Boy
Anaya (അനയാ) Without a superior; God has shown favour Boy
Anaye (അനയേ) Consort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu Boy
Anbarasan (അംബരാസന) King of Love Boy
Anbarasu (അംബരസൂ) King of Love Boy
Anbu (അംബൂ) Love; Kindness Boy
Anbuchelvan (അംബൂചേലവാന) Kind; King of Love Boy
Anbumadi (അംബുമദീ) Kind and intelligent Boy
Anbutamil (അംബുതാമീല) Brilliant ; Intelligent Boy
Anchit (അംചിത) Honorable; Someone honored and respected Boy
Aneek (അനിക) Lord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face Boy
Aneesh (അനിശ) A close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and Vishnu Boy
Aneet (അനീത) Joyful unending; Calmness Boy
Aneeth (അനീത) Joyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple Boy
Anek (അനേക) Lord Ganesh; Soldier; Many Boy
Anesh (അനേശ) Close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme Boy
Angad (അംഗദ) An ornament, Bracelet; Warrior; Beautifully formed Boy
Angada (അംഗാദാ) An ornament, Bracelet Boy
Angadan (അംഗദാന) Brother of Bali and Sugriva Boy
Angaj (അംഗജ) Son; Corporeal; Earthly Love; Another name for the Love God Kaaina Boy
Angak (അംഗക) Son Boy
Angamuthu (അംഗാമുഥു) Made of pearls Boy
Angara (അംഗാരാ) Lord Vishnu; Embers; The planet Mars; Name of a prince of Maruts Boy
Angiras (അംഗീരസ) Name of a sage Boy
Angith (അംഗിത) Nil Boy
Angraj (അംഗരാജ) King of State Ang Boy
Anhar (അന്ഹാര) Lord Krishna Boy
Anhik (അനഹിക) Boy
Anidev (അനീദേവ) Favor; Grace Boy
Aniesh (അനീശ) Supreme Boy
Aniij (അനീജ) Charming Boy
Anik (അനിക) Lord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face Boy
Anikait (അനികേത) Lord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all Boy
Anikanchan (അനികാംചന) More than gold Boy
Anikant (അനീകാംത) Blue jewel Boy
Anikesh (അനികേശ) Name of Lord Vishnu from Sahasranamam Boy
Aniket (അനികേത) Lord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all Boy
Aniketh (അനികേത) Lord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all Boy
Anikt (അനിക്ത) Conquered Boy
Anil (അനില) God of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and Shiva Boy
Anilabh (അനിലാഭ) Spirit of the wind Boy
Anilesh (അനീലേശ) Wind Boy
Animaesh (അനിമേഷ) Blazing; Vivid Boy
Animan (അനിമാന) Unbounded; Omnipresent; Divine Boy
Animash (അനിമേഷ) Bright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent, Omniscient Boy
Animesh (അനിമേഷ) Bright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent; Omniscient Boy
Anindith (അനീന്ദിത) The blameless one; One with no faults; The perfect human being Boy
Anindo (അനിംദോ) Happiness Boy
Anindya (അനിന്ദ്യാ) Beyond criticism; Praiseworthy; Perfect; Innocent; Handsome; Irreproachable Boy
Anirban (അനിര്ബാന) The eternal flame; Divine; Immortal Boy
Aniroodh (അനിരുദ്ധ) Boundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu Boy
Aniruddh (അനിരുദ്ധ) Name of Lord Vishnu with numerological strength Boy
Aniruddha (അനിരുദ്ധ) Which can't be restricted; Courageous Boy
Aniruddhan (അനിരുദ്ധാന) Which can't be restricted; Courageous Boy
Anirudh (അനിരുദ്ധ) Boundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu Boy
Anirudha (അനിരുധാ) Victorious; Cooperative; Unopposed Boy
Anirudhha (അനിരുദ്ധാ) Victorious; Cooperative; Unopposed Boy
Anirudra (അനിരുദ്രാ) Lord Shiva Boy
Anirudu (അനിരുദു) Boundless; Lord Vishnu Boy
Aniruth (അനിരുതഃ) Lord Krishna's Grandson Boy
Anirv (അനിര്വ) Undying Boy
Anirvan (അനിര്വാണ) Undying; Progressive Boy
Anirved (അനിര്വേദ) Positive; Courageous; Resilient; Independent Boy
Anirvin (അനിര്വിന) Mother; God-like; Active; Cheerful; Another name for Vishnu Boy
Anirvinya (അനിര്വിനയാ) A name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Anish (അനീശ) A close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and Vishnu Boy
Anishk (അനിഷ്ക) A person who has no enemy Boy
Anishvar (അനീശ്വര) Naastik (Atheist) Boy
Aniswar (അനീസ്വര) Goddess of Earth; Lord of serpents or Vasuki Boy
Anit (അനിത) Joyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple Boy
Aniteja (അനിതേജ഼ാ) Immeasurable splendor Boy
Aniv (അനിവ) Lord Murugan Boy
Anivardh (അനീവാര്ധ) Another name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Anivek (അനീവേക) Boy
Anjak (അംജക) Decorated; Anointed Boy
Anjakey (അന്ജകേയ) Boy
Anjal (അംജല) Hollow formed by joining two hands Boy
Anjan (അംജന) Dusky; Eye liner Boy
Anjan Kumar (അംജന കുമാര) Eye liner Boy
Anjanappa (അംജനപ്പാ) Anjaneya Swamy Boy
Anjaney (ആംജനേയ) Hanuman Boy
Anjaneya (അംജനേയാ) Lord Hanuman, Son of Anjana Boy
Anjas (അംജസ) Forthright; Honest; Morally upstanding Boy
Anjasa (അംജാസാ) Guileless; Deceit less Boy
Anjay (അന്ജയ) Unconquerable; Unbeatable Boy
Anjeet (അംജീത) Undefeated Boy
Anjesh (അന്ജേശ) Sweet Boy
Anjik (അംജീക) Collyrium; Coloured; Blessed; Dusky Boy
Anjish (അന്ജീശ) Sweet Boy
Anjor (അംജോര) Bright Boy
Anjuman (അംജുമന) Gathering; Society; Meeting Boy
Ankal (അംകല) Whole Boy
Ankesh (അംകേശ) King of numbers Boy
Ankia (അംകിയാ) God is gracious Boy
Ankit (അംകിത) Conquered; Distinguished; Marked out; Noted Boy
Ankith (അംകിത) Conquered; Distinguished; Marked out; Noted Boy
Ankolit (അന്കോലിത) Loved; Respected Boy
Ankur (അംകുര) Sprout; Offshoot; Sapling; Newborn Boy
Ankush (അംകുശ) Check; Control; Passion; A hook used to drive elephants Boy
Anmay (അന്മയ) One who cannot be broken Boy
Anmesh (അന്മേശ) The Sun God; Another name for Surya Boy
Anmol (അനമോല) Priceless; Invaluable; Precious Boy
Anna (അന്നാ) Food Boy
Anniruddha (അനിരുദ്ധ) without obstacles; unstoppable Boy
Annku (അന്ന്കു) Elegance Boy
Annsh (അംശ) Portion Boy
Annuabhuj (അനുആഭുജ) Lord Shiva's bhuj - hand Boy
Annul (അനുല) Eternal; Unsurpassed Boy
Anokha (അനോഖാ) Rare; Unique Boy
Anoob (അനൂബ) Palm tree Boy
Anoop (അനൂപ, അനൂപ) Without comparison; Incomparable; The best Boy
Anoor (അനൂര) Thigh less Boy
Anora (അനോരാ) Light Boy
Anosh (അനോശ) Beautiful morning; The name of a star Boy
Anouka (അനൌഖാ) Spirit of God Boy
Anoush (അനൂഷ) Beautiful morning; The name of a star Boy
Anram (അനരമ) Continuous; Constant Boy
Ansal (അംസല) Strong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate Boy
Ansh (അംശ) Portion; Day Boy
Anshaan (അന്ശാന) A part of our self Boy
Anshak (അംശക) Has a share in the property, Heir Boy
Anshal (അംശല) Strong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate Boy
Anshin (അംശീന) Sharer or heir Boy
Anshit (അംശിത) The Sun Boy
Anshrith (അശ്രിതഃ) Name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Anshu (അംശു) The Sun; Ray of light; Splendour; Speed; Sunbeam Boy
Anshuk (അംശുക) Sunbeam; Gentle; Brilliant; Radiant Boy
Anshul (അംശുല) Brilliant; Radiant; Sunbeam Boy
Anshum (അംശുമ) Garland of rays Boy
Anshuman (അംശുമന) The Sun; Lord Surya (Sun); The Moon; Brilliant Boy
Anshumat (അംശുമത) Brilliant; Luminous Boy
Ansil (അന്സില) Smart Boy
Ansu (അന്സു) The Sun; Ray of light; Splendour; Speed; Sunbeam Boy
Ansuman (അംശുമന) The Sun; Lord Surya (Sun); The Moon; Brilliant Boy
Antam (അംതമ) Nearest; Intimate as a friend; Bright Boy
Antar (അംതര) Famous warrior; Intimate; Security; Soul; Heart Boy
Antarang (അംതരംഗ) Intimate; Close to the heart Boy
Antareeksh (അംതരീക്ഷ) Space Boy
Antariksh (അംതരിക്ഷ) Space Boy
Anthudaran (അന്ഥോദരാ) One of the Kauravas Boy
Antim (അംതിമ) Last Boy
Antrix (അന്തരിക്ഷ) Space Boy
Anu (അനു) An atom; Celestial; Another name for Shiva Boy
Anubhab (അനുഭാബ) Insight; Experience; Feeling Boy
Anubhaj (അനുഭാജ) One who follows worship; Spiritual Boy
Anubhav (അനുഭവ) Insight; Experience; Feeling Boy
Anubodh (അനുബോധ) Awareness; Memory Boy
Anuchan (അനുചന) Well versed in the Vedas; Lover of knowledge; Conscientious; An Apsara or celestial nymph Boy
Anuchana (അനുചനാ) Well behaved; Lover of knowledge; Conscientious Boy
Anudarshan (അനുദര്ശന) Observing Boy
Anudeep (അനുദീപ) Small Diya; Small light Boy
Anudev (അനുദേവ) Atom Boy
Anugrah (അനുഗ്രഹ) Divine blessing Boy
Anugya (അനുജ്ഞാ) Authority Boy
Anuh (അനുഹ) Calm; Without desire; Content Boy
Anuha (അനുഹ) Satisfied Boy
Anuhas (അനുഹാസ) Boy
Anuj (അനുജ) Younger brother Boy
Anujith (അനുജീത) Win; Success Boy
Anukash (അനുകശ) Reflection of light; Reflection Boy
Anukrit (അനുകൃത) Photograph Boy
Anukul (അനുകുല) Favorable; Pleasant Boy
Anul (അനുല) Non wild; Gentle; Agreeable Boy
Anumana (അനുമന) Inference Boy
Anumit (അനുമിത) Love and kindness; Analytical; Logical Boy
Anumodith (അനുമോദിത) Approved Boy
Anunay (അനുനായ) Supplication; Consolation Boy
Anup (അനൂപ, അനൂപ) Without comparison; Incomparable; The best Boy
Anupam (അനുപമ) Incomparable; Precious; Unique Boy
Anuraag (അനുരാഗ) Love; Affection; Devotion; Attachment Boy
Anurag (അനുരാഗ) Love; Affection; Devotion; Attachment Boy
Anuragya (അനുരാഗ്യ) Love Boy
Anuraj (അനുരാജ) Devoted; Enlightening; Brilliant Boy
Anuritha (അനുരിതാ) The essence of ceremonial rite Boy
Anurodh (അനുരോധ) A request Boy
Anuroop (അനുരൂപ) Worthy of; Befitting; Lovely; Handsome Boy
Anurup (അനുരൂപ) Worthy of; Befitting; Lovely; Handsome Boy
Anurven (അനുരവേന) Boy
Anush (അനുഷ) Beautiful morning; Star; Following a desire Boy
Anushan (അനുശാന) powerful man Boy
Anustup (അനുസ്തൂപ) Invocation Boy
Anuthaman (അനുതാമാന) Incomparable Boy
Anutosh (അനുതോഷ) Light; Relief; Satisfaction Boy
Anuttam (അനുത്തമ) Unsurpassed Boy
Anuvindha (അനുവിംധാ) One of the Kauravas Boy
Anuyog (അനുയോഗ) Blame Boy
Anvay (അന്വയ) Joined; Integration Boy
Anveer (അന്വീര) Brave and divine in knowledge Boy
Anvesh (അന്വേഷ) Investigation Boy
Anveshan (അന്വേശന) Search Boy
Anvik (അന്വിക) Powerful; Pride of Love Boy
Anvit (അന്വിത) One who bridgesth gap, Friend Boy
Anvith (അന്വിത) Lord Shiva; Reached by the mind Boy
Anwesh (അന്വേഷ) Investigation Boy
Anwit (അന്വിത) Lord Shiva; Reached by the mind Boy
Anyah (അന്യഃ) The inexhaustible Boy
Anyang (അന്യംഗ) Crocodile; Godly; Perfect; Virtuous Boy
Anyu (അന്യൂ) God Boy
Apar (അപാര) Limitless Boy
Aparajeet (അപരാജിത) The Lord who cannot be defeated, Undefeated; Another name for Vishnu and Lord Shiva Boy
Aparajit (അപരാജിത) The Lord who cannot be defeated, Undefeated; Another name for Vishnu and Lord Shiva Boy
Aparant (അപരാന്ത) Clear Boy
Aparichit (അപരിചിത) Unknown Boy
Apasyu (അപസ്യും) Skilful; Active; Energetic; Talented Boy
Apesh (അപേക്ഷ) Boy
Apij (അപീജ) Born after or in addition to Brother Boy
Apoorv (അപൂര്വ) Patience; Consolation; Born of tolerance; Clever; Calm; Resolute; Firm Boy
Apoorva (അപൂര്വാ) One of a kind or rare; Quite new; Exquisite; Unprecedented; Like never before Boy
Appaji (അപ്പാജീ) Lord Venkateswara of Balaji Boy
Apparajito (അപ്പാരാജിതോ) Undefeated Boy
Aprameya (അപ്രമേയ) A name of Lord Krishna Boy
Apshrut (അപ്ശ്രുത) Boy
Apurbo (അപുരബോ) Unique; Never seen before Boy
Apure (അപൂരേ) Unique; Unmatched; New; Brahman Boy
Apurv (അപൂര്വ) One of a kind or rare; Quite new; Exquisite; Unprecedented; Like never before Boy
Araav (അരാവ) peaceful Boy
Aradhay (ആരാധയ) Worshipper Boy
Aradhy (ആരാധ്യ) Suitable for worship; Name for Lord Krishna Boy
Araha (അരാഹ) Guiding star Boy
Arahan (അരഹാന) Who knows everything Boy
Arakaya (അരാകായാ) Skinful Boy
Arakhsan (അരഖ്സന) Is associated with Lord Ayyappa Boy
Aranab (അരനാബ) Ocean Boy
Aranmakan (അരന്മാംകന) Lord Murugan, Son of Aran (Shiva) Boy
Aranya (അരണ്യ) Forest Boy
Aranyak (ആരാന്യാക) Forest Boy
Araon (അരാഓം) Lofty Boy
Arasu (അരാസു) Most powerful person of the world Boy
Arath (അരഥ) Sense; Meaning Boy
Arav (അരവ) Peaceful; Sound; Shout Boy
Aravali (അരാവലീ) Righteous Boy
Aravan (അരാവന) Righteous Boy
Aravind (അരവിംദ) Love; Avatar; Lotus; Auspicious; Handsome Boy
Aravindan (അരവിംദന) Lotus; Lord Vishnu; A Tamil saint Boy
Aravindh (അരവിംദ) Love; Avatar; Lotus; Auspicious; Handsome Boy
Aravindhan (അരവിന്ദന) Lotus; Lord Vishnu; A Tamil saint Boy
Aravinth (അരവീന്ത) Lotus Boy
Arawo (അരവോ) Female mountain goat Boy
Archak (ആര്ചക) Worshipper Boy
Archat (അര്ചത) Shining; Praising; Admired; Brilliant Boy
Archin (അര്ചിന) Brilliant; One who offers prayers; Pious Boy
Archis (ആര്ചീസ) Ray of light Boy
Archish (അര്ചീശ) First Ray of the Sun Boy
Archishman (അര്ചിഷ്മാന) The Sun Boy
Archit (അര്ചിത) Worship; Revered Boy
Archith (അര്ചിത) Worship; Revered Boy
Ardesh (അര്ദേശ) Secret Boy
Ardhendu (അര്ധേന്ദൂ) Half Moon Boy
Arean (അരേഅന) Honorable Boy
Areehah (അരീഹഃ) Destroyer of enemies Boy
Arekh (അരേഖ) Picture Boy
Aresh (അരേശ) Name of Lord Indra Boy
Argav (അരഗാവ) Prominent; Noteworthy; Pre-eminent Boy
Argha (അര്ഘാ) Reddish purple Boy
Arghya (അര്ഘ്യാ) Offering to the Lord Boy
Arha (അരഹാ) Lord Shiva; Worship Boy
Arhaan (അരഹാന) Ruler; Tirthankara; Worship; Homage; Respect; Revered Boy
Arhan (അരഹാന) Ruler; Tirthankara; Worship; Homage; Respect; Revered Boy
Arhant (അരഹംത) Destroyer of enemies; Calm; Benevolent; Another name for Lord Shiva Boy
Arhat (അര്ഹത) Respectable; Worthy; Honourable Boy
Arhav (അരഹവ) Soft; Pure Boy
Ariaz (ആരിയാഝ) National leader. Boy
Aric (ഏരിക) eternal ruler Boy
Ariez (അരീജ) Respectable Man; Intelligent Boy
Arihaan (അരിഹാന) Destroyer of evil; Killing enemies Boy
Arihan (അരിഹന) Destroyer of evil; Killing enemies Boy
Arihant (അരിഹംത) One who has killed his enemies Boy
Ariharan (അരിഹരന) Lord Shiva; Destroyer of enemies ari - enemies + Haran - destroying Boy
Arijeet (അരിജീത) Conqueror of enemies Boy
Arijit (അരിജീത) Conqueror of enemies Boy
Arin (അരീന) Full of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray Boy
Arindam (അരിംദമ) Destroyer of enemies Boy
Arindham (അരീനധാമ) Destroyer of enemies Boy
Arine (അരീന) Full of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray Boy
Arinjay (അരിംജയ) Victory over evil Boy
Arinjoy (അരിനജോയ) One who wins over his enemy Boy
Arish (അരീശ) First ray of Sun; Sky Boy
Arit (അരിത) One who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend Boy
Ariv (അരിവ) King of wisdom Boy
Arivalagan (അരിവാലഗന) Intelligent and handsome Boy
Arivali (അരീവാലീ) Smart; Intelligent Boy
Arivarasu (അരിവാരസു) King of wisdom Boy
Ariveer (അരിവിര) Strong man Boy
Arivind (അരീവീന്ദ) Lotus; Red lotus. Boy
Arivoli (അരിവോലീ) Glowing with intelligence Boy
Arivuchelvan (അരിവുചേല്വന) One whose wealth is his wisdom Boy
Arivumadhi (അരിവുമേധി) Intelligent Boy
Arivumani (അരിവുമാനീ) Intelligent gem Boy
Arivunambi (അരിവുനാമ്ബീ) Confident and intelligent Boy
Ariyan (അരീയാന) Illustrious; Noble Boy
Arjan (അര്ജന) Winner; Victor; Conqueror Boy
Arjav (അര്ജാവ) Straightforward person by heart; Speech and act Boy
Arjeeth (അര്ജിത) Earned Boy
Arjit (അര്ജിത) Earned; Powerful; Won Boy
Arju (അരജു) Peacock; One of the Pandavas brother, the short name of Arjun Boy
Arjun (അര്ജുന) Fair; Open minded; Pure; Brilliant; A Pandava Prince; Bright Boy
Arjuna (അര്ജുന) Bright; Shining Boy
Arjwin (അരജവീന) Boy
Ark (അര്ക) The Sun; Lightening; Fire; Hymn; A sage; Another name for Indra hymn Boy
Arka (അര്കാ) The Sun Boy
Arkaj (അര്കജ) Born of the Sun; Name for Kam, Yam, Sugreev and Saturn Boy
Arkajit (അര്കജീത) The Sun; A Ruby Boy
Arkash (അര്കാശ) To enlighten; Lighten up; Enlightened by the Sun Boy
Arkesh (അര്കേശ) God of stars (Moon) Boy
Arkin (അര്കിന) Son of the eternal king; Brilliant; Venerated Boy
Arkish (അര്കീശ) Very sweet Boy
Arksh (ആരക്ഷ) Of the stars; Celestial Boy
Armav (അരമാവ) Ocean; Waves Boy
Armesh (അരമേശ) Lord of desire Boy
Arnad (അര്നാദ) Megh (Cloud) Boy
Arnav (അര്നവ) Ocean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea Boy
Arnesh (അര്നേശ) Lord of the sea Boy
Arnik (അര്നിക) Boy
Arnish (അര്നീശ) Lord of the seas Boy
Arnit (അര്നിത) Beautiful flower Boy
Arnoh (അര്നോഹ) Unblemished; Clear Boy
Arnrit (അനൃത) Nectar; Eternal Boy
Arnva (ആര്നവ) Stream Boy
Aroha (അരോഹാ) Ready to offer boons Boy
Arohan (ആരോഹന) To rise Boy
Arokya (അരോക്യ) Very pious Boy
Aroon (അരൂണ) dawn Boy
Aroop (അരൂപ) Extremely beautiful; Full of Joy or blissful Boy
Aroush (അരോഷ) First Ray of sunlight Boy
Arpan (അര്പണ) The devotional offering; Auspicious Boy
Arpil (അര്പില) Arpil name comes from Arpit; Dedicated Boy
Arpit (അര്പിത) To donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated Boy
Arshan (അര്ശാന) Brave Boy
Arshvi (അര്ശ്വീ) Name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Arshya (അര്ഷ്യ) Of sacred descent; Heavenly Boy
Artabandhu (ആര്തബന്ധു) Friend of sick Boy
Artagnan (അര്തഗണന) The knower of all meanings Boy
Artatrana (അര്താത്രനാ) Another name of Jaganath Boy
Arth (അര്ഥ) Meaningful; Meaning Boy
Artham (അര്ഥമ) Fortune; The golden Lotus on the forehead; Lord Vishnu from which the goddess Sri orginated Boy
Arthav (അര്ഥാവ) Meaningful Boy
Arthin (അര്ഥീന) Ramadhutha Boy
Arthish (അര്ഥിഷ) Brigtness of Lord Shiva Boy
Arthit (അര്ഥിത) The Sun Boy
Arthrve (അര്ഥവേ) Boy
Arthur (ആര്ഥര) Arthur was a great king who lived in 6th century Boy
Arudhra (അരുധരാ) Lord Shiva; Gentle Boy
Aruj (അരുജ) Rising Sun; Born of the Sun Boy
Arujas (അരുജസ) Free from disease; Healthy; Active; Happy Boy
Arul (അരൂല) The grace of God; Blessing of God Boy
Arul Kannan (അരുണ കാന്നന) God's grace; God's blessing Boy
Arulappan (അരുലപ്പന) First Ray of Sun Boy
Arulchelvan (അരുലചേലവാന) Blessed Boy
Aruldeepan (അരുലദീപന) Lighting person Boy
Arumin Kadalan (അരുമീന കദാലന) Lord Murugan Boy
Arumoy (അരുമോയ) Unique; Precious Boy
Arumugam (അരുമുഗമ) Lord Murugan, Six-faced Boy
Arumugan (അരമുഗാന) Lord Murugan, Six-faced Boy
Arumugathamudhu (അരുമുഗതാമുധു) Lord Murugan; Arumugam - six-faced, Amudhu - food Boy
Arumughan (അരുമുഘന) Lord Subramanyan Boy
Arumukhan (അരുമുഖന) Lord Murugan, Six-faced Boy
Arun (അരുണ, അരൂണ) The red glow of the rising Sun; Mythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn; Passionate Boy
Arun Kumar (അരുണ കുമാര) Mythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn Boy
Arunabh (അരുണാഭ) Light of The Sun Boy
Arunachalam (അരുണാചലമ) Boy
Arunachaleshwara (അരുണാചലേശ്വര) Lord of the hills; The Sun Boy
Arunan (അരുനാന) Sun Boy
Arunava (അരുനാവാ) Sun rays Boy
Arundh (അരുംധ) Boy
Arunesh (അരുനേശ) Lord of mercy Boy
Arunith (അരുനീത) Boy
Arunoday (അരുണോദയ) Sunrise Boy
Arunthiran (അരുംഥിരാന) Boy
Arush (അരൂഷ) First ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun Boy
Arushan (അരുഷാന) The First ray of the Sun Boy
Aruth (അരുത) Wind Boy
Arv (അര്വ) Diminutive of Arvin: Friend of the people Boy
Arva (അര്വാ) Arva means fastest motion wind Boy
Arvin (അരവിന) Friend of people Boy
Arvin Kumar (അരവീന കുമാര) Lotus Boy
Arvind (അരവിംദ) Lotus Boy
Arvinda (അരവിംദ) Lotus Boy
Aryaan (ആര്യാന) Of the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent Boy
Aryadit (അര്യാദിത) The Sun Boy
Aryadita (അര്യാദീതാ) Aryadita combines the two names Arya meaning noble and Adita the Sun or conqueror, therefore it means the noble conqueror Boy
Aryamaan (ആര്യമാന) Noble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; Belonging to the Sun; The Sun; Friend Boy
Aryaman (ആര്യമന) The possessor of greatness Boy
Aryaman (ആര്യമന ) The sun Boy
Aryan (ആര്യന) That Which Is Beyond Anyone's Strength Boy
Aryan Raj (ആര്യന രാജ) Illustrious; Noble; Spiritual Boy
Aryan (ആര്യന ) From a high race; Ord Ayyappa Boy
Aryana (അര്യാനാ) Joyous; Cheerful; Happy Boy
Aryansh (ആര്യഅംശ) King of Arya; Long Life Boy
Aryaraj (അര്യാരാജ) Another name of Lord Ram by Goddess Sita Boy
Aryash (അര്യാശ) Brilliant Boy
Aryav (ആര്യാവ) Noble person Boy
Aryavan (ആര്യവാന) Noble Boy
Aryaveer (ആര്യവീര) Brave Man Boy
Aryvansh (ആര്യവംശ) Boy
Asaja (അസജാ) Calm Boy
Asas (അസാസ) Protector of Dharma Boy
Asav (ആസാഓ, ആസവ) Liquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine Boy
Aseem (അസീമ) Limitless shank; Boundless; Protector; Infinite Boy
Asees (അസീസ , അസീസ) Blessing; Prayer Boy
Ashan (അശാന) More attractive; Gratitude; Thankfulness; Obligation; Rock; Strong; To pervade; To eat; Food Boy
Ashank (അശാംക) Faith; Fearless; Without hesitation or doubt Boy
Ashankit (ആശംകിത) Symbol of hope; Fearless; Positive; Without hesitation or doubt Boy
Ashanko (അശംകോ) Fearless Boy
Ashcharya (ആശ്ചര്യ) Surprise Boy
Asheem (അശീമ) Limitless shank; Boundless; Protector Boy
Ashesh (അശേഷ) Perfect; Complete; Godly Boy
Ashik (ആശിക) Lover; Lovable; Trustable Boy
Ashimat (അശീമത) Pride Boy
Ashirvad (ആശീര്വാദ) Blessings Boy
Ashis (ആശിസ) Blessing; Prayer; Benediction Boy
Ashish (ആശീഷ) Blessings Boy
Ashit (അഷിത) The planet; Desirable; Hot; The planet Saturn Boy
Ashith (ആശിത) The planet; Desirable; Hot; The planet Saturn Boy
Ashitosh (അശിതോഷ) Name of Lord Ganesh Boy
Ashkaran (അശ്കരണ) Fame Boy
Ashlesh (ആശ്ലേഷ) Embrace Boy
Ashman (ആശമാന) Heaven; Sky Boy
Ashmik (അശ്മിക) Soham; I am Boy
Ashmit (അശ്മിത) Trustworthy friend; The pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile Boy
Ashmith (അശ്മിത) Trustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile Boy
Ashneel (അശ്നീല) The best; Unbeatable Boy
Asho (ആശോ) Head of the Sun and head of Pittal Pani Boy
Ashok (അശോക) Happy; Content; Without grief; A king of the Mauryan dynasty; One without sorrow Boy
Ashooja (അശൂജാ) Eternally happy; Blessed Boy
Ashpan (അശ്പണ) An efficient horse rider; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit Boy
Ashrav (അശരവ) Obedient or promise; Amenable Boy
Ashravya (അശ്രാവ്യ) Whom people listen to attentatively; Well-known; A highly regarded mentor and advisor; A sage Boy
Ashray (ആശ്രയ) Shelter Boy
Ashrit (ആശ്രിത) Somebody who gives shelter; One who gives refuge to others; God of wealth; One who protects others; Rite of dependency; Trust on God; One who is dependent on God; Subramaniam Swami Boy
Ashrith (ആശ്രിത) Somebody who gives shelter; One who gives refuge to others; God of wealth; One who protects others; Rite of dependency; Trust on God; One who is dependent on God; Subramaniam Swami Boy
Ashrut (അശ്രുത) Famous Boy
Ashsri (അശ്സരീ) Glorious Boy
Ashtavakra (അഷ്ടാവക്ര) One of the great sages Boy
Ashu (ആശൂ) Active; Quick; Fast Boy
Ashul (അശുല) No obstacles; Calm; One who meets no obstacles; Happy Boy
Ashuthosh (ആശുതോഷ) Lord Shiva; Who is easily pleased Boy
Ashutosh (ആശുതോഷ) One who fulfils wishes instantly; Content; Happy; Another name for Lord Shiva Boy
Ashva (അശ്വ) Horse; Strong; Quick; Fortunate Boy
Ashvad (അശ്വദ) Black horse Boy
Ashvanth (അശ്വംത) Victorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery Boy
Ashvarya (ആശ്വര്യ) Wealth; Extraordinary Boy
Ashvat (അശ്വത) Black horse; Strong Boy
Ashvath (അശ്വത) Black horse; Strong Boy
Ashvik (അസ്വീക) Blessed and victorious Boy
Ashvin (അശ്വിന) A cavalier; A Hindu month; Medical God; One who owns horses; The name of the group of divine physicians Boy
Ashvind (അശ്വിംദ) Lord of glory Boy
Ashvith (അശ്വിത) Ocean; Lord Shiva Boy
Ashwad (അശ്വദ) Black horse Boy
Ashwaghosh (അശ്വഘോഷ) Name of a Buddhist philosopher Boy
Ashwani (അശ്വനീ) Strong and complete Boy
Ashwant (അശ്വംത) Victorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery Boy
Ashwanth (അശ്വംഥ) Victorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery Boy
Ashwarth (അശ്വാര്ഥ) Generation; Banyan tree Boy
Ashwath (അശ്വത) This is the tree where Buddha did meditate and gained a lot of knowledge. Hence it can also be considered as a tree of knowledge, Banyan tree Boy
Ashwatham (അശ്വാതമ) Immortal Boy
Ashwatthama (അശ്വത്ഥാമാ) Fiery-tempered Boy
Ashwesh (അശ്വേഷ) Hopeful Boy
Ashwin (അശ്വിന) A cavalier; A Hindu month; God of medicine Boy
Ashwinraj (അശ്വീനരാജ) Star; A Hindu calendar month; Boy
Ashwit (അശ്വിത) Boy
Ashwith (അശ്വിത) Its Come from Tree Ashwth Boy
Ashywath (അശ്യവത) Boy
Asidhan (അസീധന) Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu; Boy
Asit (അസിത) Black stone; Not white; Limitless; Dark; Calm; Self-possessed Boy
Asitvaran (അസിത്വരണ) Dark complexioned Boy
Aska (അശ്കാ) To Close Boy
Aslesh (അസ്ലേശ) Embrace Boy
Aslun (അസ്ലുംന) Hard; Stone Boy
Aslunak (അസ്ലുംനക) Rock; Gem Boy
Aslunit (അസലുനിത) Hard; Strong Boy
Asmit (അസ്മിത) Trustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile Boy
Asmith (അസ്മിത) Trustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile Boy
Asner (അസ്നേര) Cute Boy
Asoka (അസോകാ) No sorrow; Without worries; Without grief; Happy; Content Boy
Asokan (അസോകാന) Name of a king Boy
Asrith (ആശ്രിത) Somebody who gives shelter, One who gives refuge to others, God of wealth, One who protects others, Rite of dependency, Trust on God, One who is dependent on God), Subramaniam Swami Boy
Astik (ആസ്തിക) Who has faith in God; Believing in existence and God Boy
Astitva (അസ്തിത്വ) Existence Boy
Astitya (അസ്തിത്യ) Existance Boy
Astrit (അസ്ത്രിത) Invincible; Gold; Unconquerable Boy
Asuman (അസുമാന) Lord of vital breaths Boy
Asvin (അശ്വിന, അസ്വിന) A cavalier; A Hindu month; God of medicine Boy
Aswal (അസ്വാല) Horse Rider or Keeper Boy
Aswanth (അസ്വാംത) Victorious; Peepal tree; Holy tree; Buddha got wisdom under it Boy
Aswantha (അസ്വന്ഥാ) Victorious; Peepal tree; Holy tree; Buddha got wisdom under it Boy
Aswapn (അസ്വപ്ന) Dream Boy
Aswath (അസ്വത) This is the tree where Buddha did meditate and gained a lot of knowledge, so it can also be considered as a tree of knowledge, Banyan tree Boy
Aswathaama (അസ്വഥാമാം) Son of drone Boy
Aswin (അശ്വിന) A cavalier; A Hindu month; Medical God; One who owns horses; The name of the group of divine physicians Boy
Atal (അടല) Immoveable; Firm; Unshakeable; Constant Boy
Atambhu (ആത്മഭൂ) The holy Trinity Boy
Atanu (അതനു) Cupid Boy
Atas (അതാസ) The soul; Divine Boy
Ateeksh (അതിക്ഷ) Wise Boy
Ateet (അതീത) Past Boy
Athak (അഥാക) Unflagging Boy
Atharav (അഥര്വ) Lord Ganesh; Name of a Ved; Name of a Rishi married to Santi; The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti; Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy
Atharv (അഥര്വ) Lord Ganesh; Name of a Ved; Name of a Rishi married to Santi; The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti; Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy
Atharva (അഥര്വാ) The first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy
Atharvan (അഥര്വണ) The first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy
Athiban (അതീബന) Leader; Born to win as a leader; Lord Ayyapas another name Boy
Athikaya (അതികായ) Of extra ordinary size Boy
Athish (അതീശ) Kind; Explosive; A dynamic person Boy
Athishay (അതിശയ) Wonderful; Successful & bright Boy
Athisman (അതിസ്മന) Boy
Athithya (ആതിഥ്യ) Boy
Athiya (ആഥിയാ) Lord Ganesh; Gift Boy
Athrav (അഥരാവ) Lord Ganesha Boy
Athrava (അഥരാവാ) The first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy
Athreya (അത്രേയാ) Name of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory Boy
Athrv (അഥര്വ) Lord Ganesh; Name of a Ved; Name of a Rishi married to Santi; The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti; Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy
Athul (അതുല) Matchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a match Boy
Athulith (അതുലിത) Incomparable; Lord Hanuman Boy
Athvik (അര്ഥവിക) Winner Boy
Athyajat (അത്യാജത) Sacrifice Boy
Ati (അതി) Too much Boy
Atikish (അതികിശ) Wise Boy
Atiksh (അതിക്ഷ) Wise Boy
Atim (അതിമ) Born before the sunset; Proud; Self-respecting Boy
Atimanav (അതിമാനവ) Super Man Boy
Atin (അതീന) The great one Boy
Atish (അതിശ) Kind; Explosive; A dynamic person Boy
Atishay (അതിശയ) Wonderful; Successful & bright Boy
Atit (അതീത) Past Boy
Atithi (അതിഥി) Guest Boy
Ativ (അതീവ) Boy
Atiya (അതിയാ) Lord Ganesh; Gift Boy
Atma (ആത്മാ) Soul Boy
Atmadeep (ആത്മദീപ) Light of soul Boy
Atmaj (ആത്മജ) Son; Born of the soul Boy
Atmakanth (ആത്മാംകാംത) Lover of soul Boy
Atman (ആത്മന) Soul; Another name for Krishna Boy
Atmanand (ആത്മാനംദ) Blissful Boy
Atmananda (ആത്മനംദാ) Bliss of soul Boy
Atmaprakash (ആത്മപ്രകാശ) Light of soul Boy
Atmaram (ആത്മാരാമ) One who is happy in his self Boy
Atmik (ആത്മിക) The soul Boy
Atraiu (അത്രേഊ) Great warrior Boy
Atralarasu (അത്രലാരാസു) Skilled king Boy
Atreya (അത്രേയാ) Name of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory Boy
Atri (അത്രീ) Voyager through life Boy
Atul (അതുല) Matchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a match Boy
Atultejas (അതുലതേജസ) Immeasurable brightness Boy
Atulya (അതുല്യാ) Unequalled; Unrivalled; Immeasurable; Unique; Unweighable; Incomparable; Without a match Boy
Atun (അതുന) New Boy
Atvar (അത്വാര) Lord Ganesh; Freedom from haste Boy
Audvik (ഔദ്വിക) Light of Lord Shiva which never diminishes Boy
Augadh (ഔഗധ) One who revels all the time Boy
Aum (ഓമ) The sacred syllable Boy
Auniket (ഔനീകേത) Unique Boy
Aurel (ഔരേല) Golden Angel Boy
Avadh (അവധ) Powerful; Strong; Firm; Invincible Boy
Avadhesh (അവധേശ) King of Ayodhya king dasaratha Boy
Avadhoot (അവധൂത) Avadhoot means a person who has passed beyond all worldly attachments and cares Boy
Avalok (അവലോക) Who beholds Boy
Avam (അവമ) Next; Intimate; Last; Youngest; A Lunar Day Exactly Coinciding with a Solar One Boy
Avan (അവന) One who owns the earth (Lord Indra) Boy
Avaneesh (അവനീശ) Lord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler Boy
Avaneeth (അവനിത) Immovable morals Boy
Avanesh (അവനേശ) Lord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler Boy
Avanindra (അവനിന്ദ്ര) Angel of God on Earth; King of the Earth Boy
Avanish (അവനീശ) Lord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler Boy
Avaraj (അവരാജ) Junior; Younger brother; Born after Boy
Avas (ആവാസ) Protection; Pleasure; Favour; Assistance; Joy Boy
Avashesh (അവശേഷ) Remainder Boy
Avasyu (അവാസ്യും) Lord Indra; Desirous of helping; Epithet of Indra Boy
Avatar (അവതാര) Incarnation Boy
Avaya (അവായ) The First ray of the Sun; Gift of God Boy
Avdhoot (അവധൂത) Name of Lord dutta Boy
Avdhut (അവധൂത) God dutta Boy
Aveekshith (അവിക്ഷിത) Vayu Deva (Wind God) Boy
Aveen (അവിന) Beauty; Son of Ashim Boy
Avhimanyu (അവ്ഹീമാന്യും) Self-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud Boy
Avi (അവി) The Sun and air Boy
Avichal (അവിചല) Unmovable Boy
Avighna (അവിഘ്നാ) Remover of obstacles Boy
Avigyan (അവിജ്ഞാന) Recollection Boy
Avihit (അവിഹിത) Humanitarian; Moderate Boy
Avijit (അവിജിത) Invincible Boy
Avik (അവീക) Brave Boy
Avikalp (അവികല്പ) The meaning of this name is which has no options Boy
Avikam (അവികമ) Diamond Boy
Avikrish (അവിക്രീശ) Coward Boy
Avikrut (അവികൃത) Pure Boy
Avikshit (അവീക്ഷിത) Not see before Boy
Avilash (അവിലാഷ) Faithful Boy
Avin (അവിന) Beauty; Son of Ashim Boy
Avinas (അവിനാശ) Indestructible; Immortal/unconquerable Boy
Avinash (അവിനാശ) Indestructible Boy
Avinashi (അവിനാശീ) Indestructible Boy
Avinay (അവിനയ) Bestower of success and accomplishments Boy
Avindh (അവീംധ) Lively Boy
Avinesh (അവിനേശ) Eternal; Immortal, Who has no death Boy
Avingha (അവിന്ഘാ) Remover of obstacles Boy
Avir (അവിര) Brave; One who fights for peace; Strong; Continuous or ongoing Boy
Aviraaj (അവിരാജ) King of king Boy
Aviraj (അവിരാജ) To shine as bright as the Sun Boy
Aviral (അവിരല) Continuous Boy
Avirat (അവിരത) Continuous Boy
Avirbhav (അവിര്ഭാവ) The exact meaning of this name would be evolution, also can mean progress Boy
Avirup (അവിരൂപ) Lord Shiva; Handsome; Wise; Desirable; Well formed; Congruous; The Moon; Shiva; Vishnu; Kamdev Boy
Avish (ആവീശ) Ocean; Holy incarnation Boy
Avishkar (ആവിഷ്കാര) Miracle; God gift Boy
Avitha (അവീഥ) Protected; Powerful Boy
Aviyansh (അവീയാംശ) Part of Sun Boy
Aviyukta (അവിയുകതാ) Patience Boy
Avkash (അവകാശ) Limitless space; Avatar incarnation Boy
Avneesh (അവനീശ) Lord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler Boy
Avnendra (അവനേംദ്ര) Angel of God on Earth; King of the Earth Boy
Avnesh (അവ്നേശ) Lord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh Boy
Avro (അവരോ) Sensitive; Dream Boy
Avtar (അവതാര) Incarnate; Holy incarnation Boy
Avya (ആവ്യാ) To arrive or to inform; The first life form all knowledgeable and all pure Boy
Avyaansh (അവ്യാംശ) The offering; Name of Lord Vishnu Boy
Avyan (അവ്യന) Eloquent Boy
Avyaya (അവ്യയ) Lord Shiv Boy
Avyayaprabhu (അവ്യായാപ്രഭു) Imperishable Lord Boy
Avyukt (അവയുക്ത) Crystal clear or Lord Krishna or clear mind Boy
Avyukta (അവയുക്ത) Inexpressible; Crystal clear Boy
Avyukth (അവ്യുക്ത) Crystal clear; Lord Krishna; Unambiguous mind Boy
Awadhesh (അവധേശ) King of Ayodhya Boy
Awah (അവാഹ) Boy
Awan (അവന) Quality Boy
Awas (അവാസ) Moderate; Average Boy
Awdhesh (അവധേശ) King of Ayodhya, King Dasaratha Boy
Aweel (അവില) Intelligent Boy
Awesh (അവേശ) Awesh means passion; Josh in hindi Boy
Ayaan (അയാന) Someone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God Boy
Ayaansh (അയാംശ) The first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God Boy
Ayan (അയാന) The pathway to the Sun Boy
Ayananta (അയംതാ) Straight forward Boy
Ayank (അയാംക) The Moon Boy
Ayansh (അയാംശ) The first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God Boy
Ayavanth (അയാവംഥ) Lord Shiva Boy
Ayilyam (ആയില്യമ) Model state of india Boy
Ayobaahu (അയോബാഹും) One of the Kauravas Boy
Ayodhya (അയോധ്യാ) Place where Lord Rama born Boy
Ayog (ആയോഗ) Institution Boy
Ayoj (ആയോജ) Fast Boy
Ayshman (ആയുഷ്മാന) Unique Boy
Ayurved (ആയുര്വേദ) Pure; Organic Boy
Ayush (ആയുഷ) Age; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life Boy
Ayushmaan (അയുംഷ്മാന) Blessed with long life Boy
Ayushman (ആയുഷ്മാന) Blessed with long life Boy
Ayushya (ആയുഷ്യ) Life Span Boy
Ayusman (ആയുഷ്മാന) Unique Boy
Ayyan (അയ്യാന) Someone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God Boy
Ayyapa (അയ്യപാ) Youthful Boy
Ayyapan (അയ്യപന) Ever youthful; Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva Boy
Ayyappa (അയ്യപ്പാ) Lord Ayyappa Boy
Ayyappadas (അയ്യാപ്പദാസ) Sevak of Lord Ayyappa (Attendant of Lord Ayyappa) Boy
Ayyappan (അയ്യപ്പന) Ever youthful; Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva Boy
Azhagan (അജ്ഹഗന) Lord Murugan; One who is handsome Boy
Azhagar (അജ്ഹഗര) Name of a God in a temple in Madurai Boy
Azhagesan (അജ്ഹഗസന) Boy

Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With “A”

Whether you're looking for classic or unique Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With “A” we have you covered with this list. Are you on the hunt for the perfect name for your little boy? Then you’ve come to the right place! Choosing the best name for your new baby can be challenging. When you’re looking for special or unique Malayalam boy names starting with “A,” it’s important to keep in mind what kind of name might suit your baby best. From traditional names that have been in the family for generations, to the trendiest new moniker, there are baby boy names starting with “A” that everyone will love. Whether your baby is destined to be a sports star or a groundbreaking scientist, we have you covered with the perfect name for him, whether you need a first or middle name.

The Most Unique Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With “A”

Remember, selecting a name for your child is a special and personal decision. Make sure to consider your cultural background, family traditions, and personal preferences when choosing the perfect name for your little one! Malayalam Boy Names that start with the letter 'A' exude strength, elegance, and timeless charm. Whether you opt for the traditional, the array of 'A' names provides a diverse and meaningful selection for your little boy's identity.

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