Read on for our guide to unique names for malayalam baby boy starting with the letter "L" and their fascinating meanings!
Name | Meaning | Gender |
Laasak (ലാസക) | Dancer, Body, Playful, Peacock | Boy |
Laavnay (ലാവണ്യ) | Commanded | Boy |
Laayak (ലായക) | Fit, Clever, Capable | Boy |
Labh (ലാഭ) | Profit | Boy |
Labhansh (ലാഭാംശ) | A part of the profit | Boy |
Lachman (ലാച്മന) | Younger brother of Ram | Boy |
Ladu (ലാഡു) | King | Boy |
Lagan (ലഗാന) | Appropriate time, Devotion, Love, The rising of the Sun or planets | Boy |
Laghun (ലഘുന) | Quick | Boy |
Lahiri (ലാഹിരീ) | WAVE | Boy |
Lahit (ലാഹിത) | Boy | |
Lahu (ലഹു) | Boy | |
Lajesh (ലാജേഷ) | Boy | |
Lajjak (ലജ്ജാക) | Modesty | Boy |
Lajjan (ലജ്ജാന) | Modesty | Boy |
Lajjit (ലജ്ജിത) | Bashful, Modest, Shy, Blushing | Boy |
Lakesh (ലാകേശ) | Cinnamon tree | Boy |
Lakhan (ലഖന) | Brother of Lord Rama, Successful, Achiever, Distinguished, With auspicious marks | Boy |
Lakhit (ലേഖിത) | Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lakhith (ലഖിത) | Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lakit (ലകിത) | Beautiful | Boy |
Lakni (ലകനീ) | Warrior | Boy |
Laksay (ലാസ്യം) | Malik (Lord) | Boy |
Laksh (ലക്ഷ) | Aim, Target, Goal, Sign | Boy |
Lakshak (ലക്ഷക) | Ray of beauty, Expressing indirectly | Boy |
Lakshan (ലക്ഷണ) | The aim, One with auspicious signs, Propitious, Distinguished, Mark, The half- brother of God Raam | Boy |
Lakshanya (ലക്ഷന്യ) | One who achieves, Successful, Distinguished, Objective | Boy |
Lakshay (ലക്ഷ്യ) | Destination | Boy |
Lakshayaditya (ലക്ഷ്യാദിത്യ) | Looks Like Sun, Destined Sun | Boy |
Lakshin (ലക്ഷിണ) | One with auspicious marks, Propitious, Distinguished | Boy |
Lakshit (ലക്ഷിത) | Distinguished, Regarded | Boy |
Lakshith (ലക്ഷിത) | Distinguished | Boy |
Lakshman (ലക്ഷ്മണ) | Prosperous, Brother of Lord Rama, Born to give | Boy |
Lakshmana (ലക്ഷ്മണാ) | Prosperous, Brother of Lord Rama, Born to give | Boy |
Lakshmanapranadata (ലക്ഷ്മണപ്രാണദാതാ) | Reviver of Lakshmana',s life | Boy |
Lakshmanapranadatre (ലക്ഷ്മണപ്രാണദാത്രേ) | Reviver of lakshmanas life | Boy |
Lakshmeesh (ലക്ഷ്മീശ) | Lord Vishnu, Lord of Lakshmi | Boy |
Lakshmi Gopal (ലക്ഷ്മീഗോപാല) | Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lakshmi Kant (ലക്ഷ്മീകാംത) | Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi | Boy |
Lakshmi Narayan (ലക്ഷ്മീനാരായണ) | Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu together | Boy |
Lakshmi Priya (ലക്ഷ്മീ പ്രിയാ) | Tulsi, Lord Vishnu (One who is beloved to Goddess Laxmi) | Boy |
Lakshmi Raman (ലക്ഷ്മീ രമന) | Lord Vishnu, Consort of Lakshmi | Boy |
Lakshmibanta (ലക്ഷ്മീബംതാ) | Fortunate | Boy |
Lakshmidhar (ലക്ഷ്മീധര) | Lord Vishnu, Possessor of Lakshmi, Name for Vishnu | Boy |
Lakshmikantam (ലക്ഷ്മീകാനതമ) | The Lord of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lakshmikanth (ലക്ഷ്മീകാംത) | Lord Vishnu, Lakshmi',s husband | Boy |
Lakshminath (ലക്ഷ്മീനാഥ) | Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lakshmipathi (ലക്ഷ്മീപതി) | Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi | Boy |
Lakshmipati (ലക്ഷ്മീപതി) | Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi | Boy |
Laksit (ലക്ഷിത) | Distinguished, Regarded | Boy |
Lalam (ലലാമ) | Jewel | Boy |
Lalan (ലാലന) | Nurturing | Boy |
Lalataksha (ലാലാതക്ഷാ) | One who has An eye in the forehead | Boy |
Lalatendu (ലാലാതേംദു) | The third eye of Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lalchand (ലാലചംദ) | Red Moon | Boy |
Lalit (ലലിത) | Beautiful, Desirable, Voluptuous, Gentle, Graceful, Charming, Sporting gentle | Boy |
Lalit Kumar (ലലിതകുമാര) | Beautiful | Boy |
Lalitaditya (ലലിതാദിത്യ) | Beautiful Sun | Boy |
Lalitchandra (ലലിതചന്ദ്ര) | Beautiful Moon | Boy |
Lalitendu (ലലിതേന്ദു) | Beautiful Moon | Boy |
Lalitesh (ലലിതേശ) | God of beauty, God of grace, Consort of a beautiful wife | Boy |
Lalith (ലലിത) | Beautiful, Desirable, Voluptuous, Gentle, Graceful, Charming, Sporting gentle | Boy |
Lalithaditya (ലലിതാദിത്യ) | Beautiful Sun | Boy |
Lalitkishore (ലലിതകിശോര) | Beautiful | Boy |
Lalitmohan (ലലിതമോഹന) | Beautiful and attractive | Boy |
Lalitraj (ലലിതരാജ) | Beautiful, Lovely, Attractive, Elegant | Boy |
Lambakarna (ലമ്ബകര്ണ) | Large eared Lord | Boy |
Lambodar (ലംബോദര) | Lord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord | Boy |
Lambodara (ലമ്ബോദരാ) | Lord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord | Boy |
Lambodhar (ലമ്ബോദര) | Lord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord | Boy |
Langith (ലംഗീത) | Boy | |
Laniban (ലാനീബന) | Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lankapuravidahaka (ലംകാപുരവിദാഹകാ) | The one who burnt Lanka | Boy |
Lankesh (ലംകേശ) | Ravana | Boy |
Lankineebhanjana (ലംകീനീഭംജനാ) | Slayer of lankini | Boy |
Laran (ലാരന) | The Psychic powers and abilities of the Comyn Caste | Boy |
Larraj (ലാര്രാജ) | A sage | Boy |
Larshan (ലാര്ശന) | Stands for peace, Chinese Zodiac | Boy |
Lashit (ലാഷിത) | Wished, Desired | Boy |
Lashith (ലാഷിത) | Wished, Desired | Boy |
Lasivinraj (ലസിവിനരാജ) | Boy | |
Latesh (ലതേശ) | New, Warrior | Boy |
Lathesh (ലതേശ) | Lord of Climbers | Boy |
Lathish (ലാതീശ) | Happiness | Boy |
Latish (ലാതിഷ) | Happiness | Boy |
Laukik (ലൌകിക) | Fame | Boy |
Lav (ലവ) | Son of Lord Rama | Boy |
Lava (ലാവാ) | Piece | Boy |
Lavam (ലവാമ) | Clove, Small | Boy |
Lavan (ലാവന) | White, Handsome, Salt | Boy |
Lavana (ലവനാ) | Brilliant, Handsome, Beauty | Boy |
Lavanay (ലാവണ്യ) | Handsome | Boy |
Laven (ലാവേന) | Fragrance, Lord Ganesh | Boy |
Lavenesh (ലാവേനേശ) | Excellence | Boy |
Lavesh (ലാവേശ) | God of Love | Boy |
Lavin (ലാവീന) | Fragrance, Lord Ganesh | Boy |
Lavish (ലാവീശ) | Rich | Boy |
Lavit (ലവിത) | Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small | Boy |
Lavith (ലാവീത) | Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small | Boy |
Lavitra (ലാവിത്രാ) | Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small | Boy |
Lavnay (ലാവണ്യ) | Boy | |
Lavnya (ലാവണ്യ) | Beauty, Grace | Boy |
Lavyansh (ലാവ്യംശ) | Ansh of Love (Part of Love) | Boy |
Laxman (ലക്ഷ്മണ) | Prosperous, Brother of Lord Rama, Born to give | Boy |
Laxmi Kant (ലക്ഷ്മീകാംത) | Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi | Boy |
Laxmi Narayana (ലക്ഷ്മീ നാരായണ) | Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi | Boy |
Laxmi Priya (ലക്ഷ്മീ പ്രിയ) | Tulsi, Lord Vishnu (One who is beloved to Goddess Laxmi) | Boy |
Laxmi Srinivas (ലക്ഷ്മീ ശ്രീനിവാസ) | Beautiful | Boy |
Laxmikant (ലക്ഷ്മീകാംത) | It is name of Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Laxminarayana (ലക്ഷ്മീനാരായനാ) | Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi | Boy |
Lay (ലയ) | From the meadow farm, Concentration, Peace, Another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit, Small, Bit, A moment of time, Harvesting, The son of God Ram | Boy |
Layak (ലായക) | Fit, Clever, Capable | Boy |
Layam (ലയമ) | Rhythm | Boy |
Leeladhar (ലീലാധര) | Lord Vishnu, One who indulges in play, Pastime, An epithet of Krishna, Epithet of Vishnu | Boy |
Leelakar (ലീലാകര) | Lord Krishna, Capable, One who works miracles, One of many names of Lord Krishna | Boy |
Leelash (ലീലാശ) | Intelligent | Boy |
Lehan (ലേഹന) | One who refuses | Boy |
Lekh (ലേഖ) | Document, Writing, Signature, Deity | Boy |
Lekhak (ലേഖക) | An author | Boy |
Lekhan (ലേഖന) | Writing, Article | Boy |
Lekhit (ലേഖിത) | Written | Boy |
Lekith (ലേഖിത) | Written | Boy |
Lemana (ലേമാംനാ) | the she-oak tree | Boy |
Lemar (ലേമാര) | Talented one | Boy |
Lemmie (ലമ്മീ) | Devoted to the Lord | Boy |
Lenin (ലേനിന) | Lover | Boy |
Lepaksh (ലേപക്ഷ) | Having painted eyes | Boy |
Lesh (ലേശ) | Small portion, Littleness, Particle or atom, Small, Bit, A little song | Boy |
Leshan (ലേശാന) | Defender of humanity | Boy |
Lian (ലിയന) | Lotus | Boy |
Libeesh (ലീബിശ) | Boy | |
Libhan (ലിഭാന) | Boy | |
Libni (ലിബ്നീ) | Manuscripts of God | Boy |
Lidin (ലിദിന) | Special | Boy |
Liga (ലിഗാ) | Lord of sweetness | Boy |
Lijesh (ലീജേശ) | Bright feature, Light | Boy |
Likesh (ലീകേശ) | Name of lord Shiva | Boy |
Likhil (ലിഖില) | Goddess Saraswati | Boy |
Likhit (ലിഖിത) | Written, Drawn | Boy |
Likhith (ലിഖിത) | Written, Drawn | Boy |
Likhithesh (ലിഖിതേശ) | Boy | |
Likit (ലികിത) | Written, Writing | Boy |
Likith (ലിഖിത) | Written, Drawn | Boy |
Liladhar (ലീലാധര) | Lord Vishnu, One who indulges in play, Pastime, An epithet of Krishna, Epithet of Vishnu | Boy |
Linay (ലീനയ) | Boy | |
Lingadevaru (ലിംഗദേവാരു) | Lord Shiva, Lord of the Linga | Boy |
Lingadhyaksha (ലിംഗാധ്യക്ഷ) | Lord of the lingas | Boy |
Lingaiah (ലീന്ഗീഃ) | Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Lingam (ലിംഗമ) | God Sivan, See Lingan | Boy |
Lingamurthy (ലിംഗമൂര്തി) | Shivasannidi | Boy |
Lingapandi (ലിംഗപംഡീ) | Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lingaraja (ലിംഗരാജ) | Lord of the lingas | Boy |
Lingasamy (ലിംഗസമയ) | Lord Shiva, Lord of the Linga | Boy |
Lingesh (ലിംഗേശ) | Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lingeshvaran (ലിംഗേശ്വരന) | Another Name of Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lingeswaran (ലിംഗേശ്വരന) | Boy | |
Liniksh (ലിനിക്ഷ) | Shining | Boy |
Linish (ലിനിശ) | Boy | |
Linith (ലീനീത) | Boy | |
Linu (ലീനും) | A cry of grief | Boy |
Lipshit (ലിപ്ഷിത) | Desired | Boy |
Lisanth (ലീസാംഥ) | cool breeze | Boy |
Lishan (ലിശന) | Tongue, Language, Defender of humanity | Boy |
Lishant (ലീശാംത) | Lucky, Defender of Mankind | Boy |
Lishanth (ലീശാംത) | Lucky | Boy |
Lithesh (ലിഥേശ) | Charismatic, Energetic, Passionate, Ambitious, Powerful, Spiritual, Leadership | Boy |
Lithiesh (ലിഥിഷ) | Aim | Boy |
Lithvik (ലീഥവീക) | Bright | Boy |
Loakhan (ലോഖന) | Boy | |
Lobhesh (ലോഭേശ) | Boy | |
Logachandran (ലോഗചംദ്രന) | Lovable | Boy |
Loganathan (ലോഗനാഥന) | King of the World, Power, Good, Clever | Boy |
Logenthiran (ലോഗേന്തീരണ) | Power | Boy |
Logesh (ലോഗേശ) | Name of a God | Boy |
Logeshwaran (ലോഗേശ്വരന) | Lord Shiva, Lord of the world | Boy |
Logith (ലോഗീത) | Boy | |
Logithan (ലോഗിതാം) | Leek garden | Boy |
Lohendra (ലോഹേംദ്ര) | Lord of three worlds | Boy |
Lohit (ലോഹിത) | Red, Made of Copper, Mars, Lord, Battle, Sandalwood, Saffron | Boy |
Lohitaksh (ലോഹിതാക്ഷ) | Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed | Boy |
Lohitaksha (ലോഹിതാക്ഷ) | Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed | Boy |
Lohitashwa (ലോഹിതശ്വ) | One with a red horse, Fire | Boy |
Lohith (ലോഹിത) | Red, Made of Copper, Mars, Lord, Battle, Sandalwood, Saffron | Boy |
Lohithaksh (ലോഹീതാക്ഷ) | Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed | Boy |
Lohitsaran (ലോഹിതസരന) | Boy | |
Lok (ലോക) | The universe, Heaven, Earth, Humanity, Humankind | Boy |
Lokadhyaksha (ലോകാധ്യക്ഷ) | Lord of all the three lokas worlds | Boy |
Lokajit (ലോകജീത) | Conqueror of world | Boy |
Lokakriti (ലോകകൃതി) | Creator of the world | Boy |
Lokanath (ലോകനാഥ) | Lord Shiva, Lord of the world | Boy |
Lokanetra (ലോകനേത്ര) | Eye of the world | Boy |
Lokankara (ലോകാംകരാ) | Creator of the three worlds | Boy |
Lokapal (ലോകപാല) | One who takes care of the world | Boy |
Lokapati (ലോകപതി) | Lord Shiva | Boy |
Lokapujya (ലോകപൂജ്യ) | Worshipped by the universe, A name of Lord Hanuman | Boy |
Lokbhushan (ലോകഭൂഷണ) | Ornament of the world | Boy |
Lokender (ലോകേന്ദര) | King of the Earth | Boy |
Lokendra (ലോകേന്ദ്ര) | King of world | Boy |
Lokesh (ലോകേശ) | King of world | Boy |
Lokeshwar (ലോകേശ്വര) | God, King | Boy |
Lokeshwaran (ലോകേശ്വരന) | King of the world is the single quote for this word. The person with this name would be more enchanting, goal-oriented and would be able to adapt to any circumstances | Boy |
Lokit (ലോകിത) | The enlightened one | Boy |
Loknadh (ലോകനാധ) | Lord of Universe | Boy |
Loknath (ലോകനാഥ) | Lord of the world | Boy |
Lokpradeep (ലോകപ്രദീപ) | Gautam Buddha | Boy |
Lokprakash (ലോകപ്രകാശ) | Light of the world | Boy |
Lokranjan (ലോകരംജന) | Lord Vishnu, Pleasing the world, Gaining public confidence | Boy |
Lokshith (ലോക്ഷിത) | Distinguished | Boy |
Lokya (ലോക്യാ) | Lord of All Worlds | Boy |
Lomakesh (ലോമാംകേശ) | Boy | |
Lomash (ലോമശ) | A sage | Boy |
Lomesh (ലോമേശ) | Name of Rishi | Boy |
Lopesh (ലോപേശ) | God Shiva | Boy |
Loukik (ലൌകിക) | Famous, Popular | Boy |
Lovepal (ലവപാല) | Love to God | Boy |
Lovesh (ല വേശ) | Love | Boy |
Lovey (ലോവീ) | Very cold as Moon | Boy |
Loveyansh (ലോവേയാംശ) | Part of lady &, man, Love | Boy |
Lovish (ലവിശ) | Famous battle | Boy |
Lovyam (ലവ്യം) | The Sun | Boy |
Lovyansh (ലോവ്യാംശ) | Magnificent | Boy |
Lucky (ലകീ) | Shubh (Auspicious) | Boy |
Luckyraj (ലുക്കീരാജ) | From Lucania, Fortunate | Boy |
Luhan (ലുംഹാന) | deer of the dawn, morning deer | Boy |
Luhit (ലുഹിത) | Name of a river | Boy |
Lukesh (ലുകേശ) | King of the empire | Boy |
Lukesha (ലുകേശാ) | King of the empire | Boy |
Lukeshwar (ലുകേശ്വര) | Boy | |
Lupesh (ലുപേശ) | Boy | |
Luv (ലവ, ലവ) | First of Lord Rama',s twin son | Boy |
Luvkush (ലവകുശ) | Boy | |
Luvya (ലുവ്യാ) | Lovable | Boy |
Whether you're looking for classic or unique Malayalam Baby Boy Names Starting With “L” we have you covered with this list. Are you on the hunt for the perfect name for your little boy? Then you’ve come to the right place! Choosing the best name for your new baby can be challenging. When you’re looking for special or unique Malayalam boy names starting with "L" it’s important to keep in mind what kind of name might suit your baby best. From traditional names that have been in the family for generations, to the trendiest new moniker, there are baby boy names starting with "L" that everyone will love. Whether your baby is destined to be a sports star or a groundbreaking scientist, we have you covered with the perfect name for him, whether you need a first or middle name.
Remember, selecting a name for your child is a special and personal decision. Make sure to consider your cultural background, family traditions, and personal preferences when choosing the perfect name for your little one! Malayalam Boy Names that start with the letter 'L' exude strength, elegance, and timeless charm. Whether you opt for the traditional, the array of 'L' names provides a diverse and meaningful selection for your little boy's identity.
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