Quranic Names For Boys

Quranic Names For Boys | Baby names inspired by the Quran

Choosing a name for your little boy can be a daunting task. You want to make sure it is meaningful and something that he can carry with him through life. A Quranic name is one of the most meaningful and beautiful names you can pick for your little boy. It carries with it the teachings of Islam, as well as the blessing of Allah (SWT). Here we will discuss why choosing a Quranic name is so important, and how to go about finding the perfect name for your little boy. A Quranic name is much more than just a label; it carries with it great spiritual significance. It reflects the core beliefs and values of Islam, and symbolizes Allah’s mercy and grace upon us. When you choose a Quranic names for boys, you are sending him off on his journey in life with blessings from Allah (SWT). The Quran offers many beautiful names that have deep meanings associated with them. These names are powerful reminders of our faith and our relationship with Allah (SWT).

When choosing a Quranic name for your little boy, take some time to reflect on what you want his name to mean. Think about qualities that you would like him to embody or ideals that you would like him to strive towards in life. You should also consider how easy or difficult the pronunciation of the chosen name will be for both yourself and others. It should be something that rolls off the tongue easily, but still has enough character to make it stand out from other common names. Choosing a meaningful Quranic name for your son is an important decision that will shape his life in many ways. Take some time to reflect on what kind of person he is growing up to be, then spend some time researching potential names until you find one that perfectly encapsulates all his unique qualities!

Quranic Names For Boys | Baby names inspired by the Quran

Choosing a name for your little boy can be a challenging task. Quran is rich with meaningful and beautiful names that carry spiritual significance, making it a perfect source of inspiration for parents looking for the perfect name for their son. Some of the most popular Indian baby names and their meanings include:

Name Gender Meaning
Alaa Boy Exhaulted, supreme
Hanan Boy Compassion
Hasan Boy Beautiful, handsome
Mounir Boy Illuminating, radiant
Nour Boy Light, radiant
Raghib Boy Aspiring, seeking
Rashad Boy Guidance, the right path
Samer Boy Good friend, companion
Tareq Boy Night visitor, star
Wahid Boy One, unique
Abdul Aziz Boy Servant of the Might One (Allah)
Abdul Hadi Boy Servant of the Guide (Allah)
Abdul Karim Boy Servant of the Most Gracious (Allah)
Abdul Rahman Boy Servant of the Magnificent (Allah)
Abid Boy Worshipper
Adam Boy The first human, the first prophet
Adil Boy Virtuous, just
Adnan Boy One who settles for a long time in a place, paradise
Afif Boy Chaste, virtuous
Ahsan Boy The best, the most beautiful
Alaa Boy Exhaulted, supreme
Alim Boy Knowledgable, scholar
Ali Boy Lofty, sublime
Amir Boy Prince
Amjad Boy The most magnificent, the most glorious
Anas Boy One who brings you joy or peace of mind
Anwar Boy Light, radiance
Asif Boy Strong, stormy, powerful
Asmar Boy Tan, light-brown
Aydin Boy Powerful, able
Ayman Boy Benefit, blessings
Aziz Boy Noble, exhaulted
Badr Boy Full moon
Bahjat Boy Beautiful
Bakr Boy New, innovative
Bassam Boy One who smiles often
Bassil Boy Courageous, lion
Bassem Boy One who smiles
Bashir Boy Bringer of good news
Bikr Boy Virgin
Bilal Boy Water (name of one of the Prophet's companions)
Daleel Boy Guide, mentor
Dawud Boy Beloved friend; Arabic equivalent of the prophet David
Deen Boy Religion
Elias Boy "Allah is my God"; Arabic equivalent of the Elias or Elijah
Fadi Boy One who sacrifices himself to help others
Faheem Boy Perceptive, understanding
Faisal Boy Decisive ruler
Faiz Boy Plenty
Fathi Boy One who guides others
Fikri Boy Thoughtful, perceptive
Ghayth Boy Rain
Ghazi Boy Warrior, fighter
Habib Boy Loved
Hadi Boy One who guides people to the right path
Hakim Boy Wise, insightful
Hanan Boy Compassion, sympathy
Hanin Boy Affectionate, sympathetic
Haris Boy Cultivator, farmer
Harun Boy Mountain; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Aaron
Hassan Boy Beautiful, handsom
Hashem Boy Destroyer of evil
Hatem Boy Someone that puts an end to doubts, decisive
Hisham Boy Noble, gracious
Husam Boy Sharp sword
Husni Boy Handsome, good
Hussein Boy Beautiful and radiant
Ibrahim Boy Intimate friend of God; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Abraham
Idris Boy Interpreter; one of the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an
Ihsan Boy Kind, compassionate
Imad Boy Pillars
Iqbal Boy Successful
Isa Boy "God is salvation"; Arabic equivalent of Jesus
Issam Boy Connection, bond
Iyad Boy Reinforcement
Jibran Boy Brave, courageous
Jamal Boy Beauty
Jameel Boy Beautiful in appearance or behavior
Jawad Boy Noble, gracious
Jibreel Boy "God is my strength"; Arabic equivalent of the angel Gabriel
Jihad Boy Struggle
Junaid Boy Little soldier
Kabir Boy Great, powerful
Kamal Boy Perfection, completeness
Kanz Boy Treasure
Karam Boy Generosity, selflessness
Kareem Boy Generous
Katib Boy Scholar, writer
Kazim Boy One who controls their anger and doesn't act upon it
Keyan Boy Being, existence
Khalil Boy Intimate friend, close companion
Khali Boy Solitary
Khalid Boy Eternal, everlasting, immortal
Kinan Boy Covering, veil
Kumail Boy Complete, perfection
Lateef Boy Gentle
Louay Boy Flat area of sand
Lutfi Boy Gentle, kind
Mahdi Boy Guided by God
Mahmoud Boy Praiseworthy
Majd Boy Honor, distinction
Malik Boy King
Mansour Boy Overcomer, victor
Marzi Boy Approved, liked
Mazin Boy Rain-bearing cloud
Milad Boy Day of birth
Mujib Boy Amazing, impressive
Moumin Boy Believer
Mohammed Boy Praised, commendable; the name of the Prophet (pbuh)
Muhsin Boy Doer of good deeds
Mujib Boy Answerer, responder
Muntazir Boy Expecting, waiting
Murad Boy Desired, wished for
Musa Boy Saved from the water; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Moses
Mustafa Boy Chosen, selected
Naeem Boy Bliss, luxury
Naji Boy Survivor
Naseer Boy Helper
Nasser Boy Victor
Nawwar Boy Radiant, glowing
Nazir Boy Warner, cautioner
Nouman Boy Blood
Nuh Boy "Freedom from worry"; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Noah
Nour Boy Light
Omar Boy Life, long-lived
Owais Boy Little wolf
Qasim Boy One who shares something
Raed Boy Leader
Raghib Boy Aspiring, seeking
Ramzi Boy Sign, symbol
Rashad Boy Right guidance or path
Rasheed Boy Well-guided, mature
Rayhan Boy Good scent
Rayyan Boy One who isn't thirst
Riza Boy Virtuous
Saad Boy Happiness
Sabri Boy Patient
Salah Boy Faithfulness, loyalty
Salam Boy Peace
Sami Boy Exalted, supreme
Shamsan Boy Bright, sunlit
Subhi Boy Bright like the morning
Suhail Boy Easy, uncomplicated
Suleiman Boy Peaceful; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Solomon
Taher Boy Pure
Talal Boy One who puts a layer of dye or varnish on something
Tamer Boy Date merchant
Tareq Boy Night visitor, star
Wadi Boy Valley
Wael Boy One who takes refuge
Wahid Boy Unique, singular
Waleed Boy Baby, infant
Yahya Boy "He lives"; Arabic equivalent of John
Yaman Boy Blessed
Yasser Boy Easy
Yunus Boy Dove; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Jonah
Yusuf Boy "God gives"; Arabic equivalent of the prophet Joseph
Zaki Boy Righteous, pure
Zayd Boy Growth, abundance
Zayn Boy Beauty, adornment
Zubair Boy Strong, firm
Quranic Names For Boys | Baby names inspired by the Quran

Finding the Perfect Quranic Name for Your Little Boy

When it comes to naming your little boy, it can be a challenge to find the perfect name. Muslim parents often choose to select a name with a special meaning that is derived from the Quran. There are numerous traditional Muslim boy names, each with its own unique origin and meaning. One of the most popular and well-known names is Muhammad, which means “the praised one”. This name has been used by millions of people around the world for centuries and is still widely popular today. Another popular name is Amir, which means “leader” or “commander” in Arabic. This name was originally chosen by royalty and has become increasingly popular among modern parents.

Other traditional Muslim boy names include Ali, which means “lofty” or “exalted”; Hassan, which means “handsome”; and Omar, which means “long-lived”. These names are all rooted in Arabic culture and have been used by generations of Muslims throughout history. The beauty of choosing a Quranic names for boys is that you can explore different meanings and origins of traditional Muslim boy names until you find one that resonates with you and your family. Whether it's an ancient name or something more modern, choosing a meaningful Quranic name for your son will give him a strong connection to his faith.

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